Light Stencil for IPhone

I made a flashlight stencil for your iPhone because it’s fun for everyone and since people always carry their phones, it’s useable anywhere and you don’t need that much to use it

Cardboard, Boxcutter, Scissors, Hot glue
Cut Your Cardboard

Cut an 11-inch x 2-inch strip with 1 ¼ inch x ½ inch strips coming out at the 3 ¼ and 7 ¾ inch mark for the phone clamps.
Make Your Circle

Wrap your strip around to make a circle with the ends overlapping at 1 inch.
Phone Clamps

Fold the phone clamps at 1 cm and 2 cm
Cutting the Cover

Cut out a 3 ¾ inch diameter circle for the cover.
Be Creative

Choose a design you want to use for the stencil, then sketch and cut it out on your cover. For example, I did the Batman logo, but you can do whatever you want.

Glue your cover onto the circle, then slide it on your phone and turn your flashlight on.