Light Indicator for Medicine Packets

by tanyaa_wuu in Circuits > Arduino

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Light Indicator for Medicine Packets


This project uses an Arduino photoresistor to help people with presbyopia (especially elderly people) to know which medicine packet to take. When the person picks the right medicine packet they need, the LED light will light up so the person knows that they took the right medicine. Since people with presbyopia cannot see the tiny words on the medicine packet, the photoresistor is very useful.

Step 1: Materials You Will Need

For the circuit:

  • an Arduino Leonardo board
  • a breadboard
  • a USB Cable
  • a LED light (any color)
  • a blue ohm resistor
  • a yellow ohm resistor
  • a photoresistor
  • 7x male to male jumper wires
  • 4x male to female jumper wires
  • your laptop (to connect to the Arduino)

For the outside decoration:

  • a box (that fits the Arduino Leonardo and breadboard)
  • a utility knife
  • Medicine packet

Step 2: Connecting the Jumper Wires and the Ohm Resistors


Follow the images to set up the board

Ensure the positive and negative sides are plugged correctly

Step 3: Connecting the Male to Female Jumper Wires


Connect the male to female jumper wires by following the images (these wires are used as an extension cord)

Step 4: Connecting the Photoresistor and LED Light


Follow the images to connect the photoresistor on the left side and the LED light on the right

Step 5: Uploading the Code

Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 10.03.32 PM.png

Copy the following code to Arduino:

How to upload the code:

1. Download Arduino Leonardo

2. Copy the code in the link above

3. Press the right arrow symbol on the top left-hand corner to upload the code

4. Plug one side of the USB cable into the Arduino Leonardo

Step 6: Finding a Container to Put the Device Into (optional)


This step is for aesthetic purposes. Find a container that the Arduino board can fit into and put the Arduino inside (the smaller the better, so the Arduino doesn't move around). You can also use a utility knife the cut the box smaller if you want.

Step 7: Cut Holes on the Box for the Photoresistor and LED Lights

Cut two holes so the photoresistor and the LED lights can peak through the box(make sure holes are exactly the size of the photoresistor and the LED lights so they don't fall)

Also, cut a hole on the side of the box for the USB cable and put the cable outside of the box.

Finished !

Arduino Light Indicator for Medicine Packets

Put the medicine you want on top of the photoresistor and the rest of the medicines on the side in a row.

Connect your USB cable to your laptop to check if the creation works