Let's Build a LED-Man Band

Instructables is a great source of inspiration for makers.
I stumbled upon this one and immediately found a use for a bunch of old electronic components.
As a musician (I'm a bass player) I built what I've called my "Garage Band"
It's powered by a CR2032 battery and stuck on a 3D printed frame.
I like these useless fun stuff :)
- A bunch of LED, Resistors, Capacitors and anything that you may find useful.
- The 4 Resistors used for the leg and body, limiting the current to the LED, are 10 to 47 Ohms.
- A bit of VeroBoard.
- A CR2032 battery and battery holder
- A bit of insulated wire
- The frame is 3D printed.

The instructions are given in the original link.
No difficulty here, just a bit of imagination.