Lesson 7: Sky and Mountain Painting

by Liam Hoole in Craft > Art

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Lesson 7: Sky and Mountain Painting

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Hello there, hope you are doing well.

In today lesson I well be aiming to teach you how to making a pretty midnight sky with stars, surrounded by mountains.

First don't worry if you never done anything like this before. It might be scary if your not use to painting or doing landscape drawing. By the end of this lesson you won't be worried anymore and we feel prouder of what you created.


  1. canvas to draw on: You can use paper if you would like.
  2. paint: any kind well work.
  3. paint brushes: any size or quality well do.
  4. duct tape: if you don't have any then

1. Get Your Tools and Paint Ready

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1. Fill up a tray or container of your chosen paints. I pick yellow, grey and both light and dark blue for this lesson. But It up to you which you prefer to use or have on hand.

Just be sure the colours for the sky are similar like the blues I well be doing.

Other examples can be red and orange, purple and pink or white and blue.

2. Draw Your Landscape

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Draw on the canvas a rough sketch of you landscape. Be it mountains with a path like me or just mountains.

Don't worry if it looks wrong or you make a mistake, just rub it out or use your paint to cover it later.

3 Paint Your Mountains

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Using the tape make a boarder around the mountain lines with the edge of the tape.

This well prevent the colour getting mix in with the path or sky.

Remove the tap when the paint is dry.

4. Paint the Path

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Using the tape make a boarder around the path lines with the edge of the tape.

This well prevent the colour getting mix in with the mountains you just painted on. Don't worry if you do get paint on the mountains. just paint over them with the mountain colours

Remove the tap when the paint is dry.

5. Paint the Sky With a Mix of Blues

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Make a boarder around the mountains for the sky now.

This time use your lightest colour to cover most of the sky.

While doing so use another paint brush to mix in the darker colour. You should get a mix of both blues while having them feel natural.

don't worry if one colour overpowers the other. You van add more of you lighter colour till you get the shade your happy with.

6. Adding Stars

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If you want to add stars to the painting then lightly dip the smallest paint brush into some white and dot around the sky.

7. Your Finish Painting

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Once all the spots are dry then you finish your painting.

Leaving you proud of your hard work and having a pretty midnight sky painting you can hang on your wall at home.

If you enjoy this lesson then feel free to show off your midnight sky paintings or check out my other online art lessons.