Leather Pouch With Liner From Jacket Sleeve
by AwesomeA in Craft > Leather
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Leather Pouch With Liner From Jacket Sleeve

Make a leather drawstring pouch with a liner from an old leather jacket. Watch the video for full step by step instructions.
You will need:
Leather Jacket
Sewing Machine
String or Ribbon
Safety Pin
Cut Sleeve

Find an old leather jacket in your closet or from a thrift store. (I found most of mine on dollar day at my local thrift stores for only $1 each!!!! GREAT DEAL!!!! ) Cut off a sleeve.
Cut to Size

Cut to your desired length of the pouch.
Flip Around

Turn wrong side out.

Sew along the bottom line.

Trim the extra fabric off the bottom.
Turn Around

Turn right side out.
Cut Holes

Cut two holes for the string.
Add Safety Pin

Attach safety pin to one end of the string or ribbon.
Add String or Ribbon

Thread the string or ribbon through the 'tunnel' and through the other side. You can tie knots and/or add beads.

Enjoy your leather pouch for all sorts of uses...
Tarot bag
Spell bag
Mojo bag
Grisgris bag