Lead Free Solder Ring

Make this cool ring using house hold lead free solder

You will need lead free solder, a zip tie, and a piece of pipe close to the diameter of your finger.
Measure Your Finger

Wrap the zip around your finger and mark where one end meets the zip tie.
Find the Right Size Pipe

Using the marked zip tie, find a piece of scrap pipe close to the diameter of your finger.
Bend the Solder

Clamp the solder in a vice near its end against the pipe. Wrap the solder around the pipe. You may need to re-position everything several times in the vice to get a full wrap around the pipe. Once you've completed a revolution, remove from the vice and continue wrapping the solder around the pipe by hand.
Cut and Sand

Once you've made the number of revolutions you want, cut the solder and sand the ends to remove any sharp edges.
Final Adjustment

Some adjustments may be needed if your pipe wasn't an exact match of your finger. Carefully bend the ring to tighten or loosen as needed.