Laura Portrait

I made a class work. I used a tripod and I made the photos single. I think that this is a little complicated for this I submit this work to contest
In this work, describes me only a me. Do you divined my qualities?
I use:
Camera Canon
Only Photoshop for Black and white and colored
And Lots of clothes for change your image
1. Open up a color image in Photoshop
2. Goto Layer > Duplicate Layer
3. Goto Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (or press CTRL+SHIFT+U)
4. With the “Black&White” layer active, select the history brush
5. Finish! Painted, you change to colour like or important object that you need.
1. Put camera in tripod
2. Put camera-tripod in a place that you like
3. Think the pose
4. Put the timer mode
5. And finish, you repeat the photo if you dont like ,and repeat repeat , repeat...
I made 172 photos for finished the work
Thank you ^ 0^
In this work, describes me only a me. Do you divined my qualities?
I use:
Camera Canon
Only Photoshop for Black and white and colored
And Lots of clothes for change your image
1. Open up a color image in Photoshop
2. Goto Layer > Duplicate Layer
3. Goto Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (or press CTRL+SHIFT+U)
4. With the “Black&White” layer active, select the history brush
5. Finish! Painted, you change to colour like or important object that you need.
1. Put camera in tripod
2. Put camera-tripod in a place that you like
3. Think the pose
4. Put the timer mode
5. And finish, you repeat the photo if you dont like ,and repeat repeat , repeat...
I made 172 photos for finished the work
Thank you ^ 0^