Laundry Timer

by nadivaratnamutia in Living > Cleaning

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Laundry Timer

Laundry Timer Step 17.jpg

This is a laundry timer made using the Adafruit Circuit Playground. This product was designed for those who live with roommates and have to share their washer and dryer. The purpose of this product is to remind people who live with roommates to get or move their laundry as soon as it is done, prevent them from leaving their laundry in the washer or dryer for a long time, which may trouble others.

This is the link to the MakeCode:

Code was inspired by this video:


Laundry Timer Materials.jpg
  • One small-sized box (I'm using 8" x 3.5").
  • Fabric (enough amount to cover each side of the box).
  • One Adafruit Circuit Playground
  • One LED light
  • One 3AAA battery holder
  • Three 3AAA batteries
  • Some conductive thread
  • Some regular thread
  • Small amount of conductive tape
  • Regular tape
  • One needle
  • One suction cup

Create Blueprint

Laundry Timer Blueprint.jpg

Create a blueprint of the timer. This blueprint will help you better visualize how you will make connections between the Circuit Playground, your buttons, and your LED light.

Cut Out a Piece of Fabric

Laundry Timer Step 1.jpg

Cut out a piece of fabric to the size of the side of the box where you will display your Circuit Playground and buttons. In my case, I cut it into 8" in length and 3.5" in width.

Attach Circuit Playground to the Fabric

Laundry Timer Step 2.jpg

Using the needle and regular conductive thread, sew the Circuit Playground onto the piece of fabric you have cut out in Step 2.

Note: Make sure to do at least 2-3 loops through each pin on the Circuit Playground when sewing to make them secure.

Create Buttons

Laundry Timer Step 3.jpg
Laundry Timer Step 4.jpg
  • Cut some conductive tape and make two small pieces like in the picture for your buttons.
  • Stick the two pieces tape on the right side of the Circuit Playground.
  • Connect the buttons to Circuit Playground using the conductive thread.
  • Connect the top button to A2 pin.
  • Connect the bottom button to A1 pin.

Note: Make sure to do at least 2-3 loops through each pin on the Circuit Playground when sewing to make them secure.

Attach LED Light

Laundry Timer Step 6.jpg
Laundry Timer Step 5.jpg
  • Place your LED light on the top left corner.
  • Using conductive thread, make a connection between A3 pin and the (+) side pin of the LED light.
  • Using conductive thread, make a connection between GND pin and the (-) side pin of the LED light.

Notes: Make sure that the (+) thread and (-) thread aren't touching each other. If your LED won't light up, there's a high chance that your (+) and (-) threads are touching each other.

Wrap the Box With Fabric

Laundry Timer Step 13.jpg
  • Stick the fabric with the Circuit Playground and buttons on one side of the box using regular tape.
  • Cut out more fabric to the size of each side of the box, and stick them on using regular tape until all sides are covered.

Make a Battery Pouch

Laundry Timer Step 7.jpg
Laundry Timer Step 8.jpg
  • Cut out small piece of fabric to the width of your box (mine is 3.5") or just big enough to hold your battery holder.
  • Place the fabric inside the box right under the Circuit Playground and tape each side of the fabric onto each edge of the box as shown in the picture.
  • Place your battery holder inside the pouch as shown in the picture.

Make a Hole for Battery Wire

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Laundry Timer Step 10.jpg

Create a small hole below the Circuit Playground as shown in the picture. Insert the wire from the battery holder into this hole, and connect it to the Circuit Playground.

Make a Hole for Suction Cup

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Laundry Timer Step 12.jpg
  • Cut out a hole on the bottom side of the box for the suction cup.
  • Insert the suction cup into the hole as shown in the picture.

Add Labels and Instructions

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Laundry Timer Step 16.jpg
Laundry Timer Step 17.jpg
  • Print out instructions on how to operate the timer and some labels for the buttons.
  • Cut out the instructions page into the size of the side of your box.
  • Tape your instructions page onto one side of your box, I taped mine on the side right below the side with the Circuit Playground for easy access.
  • Tape all of your labels like shown in the picture.