Launcher Made of Balloon and Water Bottle

by The Kreator in Outside > Launchers

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Launcher Made of Balloon and Water Bottle

this smiplely built launcher that can be built with just a few simple materials, and it can launch small items, very fast.


All you need to make this launcher!
Pic #1: Scissors
Pic #2: balloon
Pic #3: ammo, usually almonds or pennies
Pic #4: Water Bottle

And thats all you need

The Bottle

After drinking the water, cut the bottle where the scissors are showing, You should now have just the top of the bottle, cut about right above where the label was.
Pic #1: the bottle
Pic #2: where to cut
Also, remove, but do NOT throw away the little thingy that holds the cap on. You can use your fingors or try to pop it off with the scissors. But try not to cut it, it is very important
Pic #3:, what to remove

The Balloon

Well, this step is really quite easy, all you have to do is cut the balloon (Pic 1) and place it on the top of the cut bottle (Pic 2). It should now look just like this Pic #3. Try to get the balloon low enough.

Preping and Loading

You remember that little thingy that you took off from the top of the bottle in step 2? well now you have to put it back where it was, but over the balloon, holding it in place (pic #1)

Loading. Peatty much all you have to do is put the ammo ( in this case, the almond, into the balloon. ( pic 2)


now your ready to fire! horray!!!

All you have to do is grasp the ammo ( almond for me ) and pull it back preaty far. If your using somthing hard like a pennie or dime or rock, be careful it may rip the balloon! Pic 1 is how you should hold it.

The End!