Lace Earring Holder

by YukonJulie in Craft > Sewing

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Lace Earring Holder


Use an old curtain or purchased lace fabric to make this super handy earring holder.

I find this a great way to display, organize and find all my earrings, which are no longer tangled in a heap at the bottom of my jewelry box.

Gather Your Materials and Attach Velcro to Wood


You will need:

  • an old lace curtain or 1/2 yard lace fabric
  • 1" wide velcro - about 18" long or the width of your earring holder. Note that velcro has 2 halves, the "hook" or scratchy side, and the "loop" or softer side, which sticks to the hook side.
  • a thin wooden stick - the same size as your velcro (about 1" X 18")
  • glue to attach the hook side of velcro to the wooden stick, unless you have purchased velcro with a self-adhesive. Note that the self-adhesive velcro is great to attach to things like wood, but the adhesive is not good for your sewing machine - I suggest that you use regular, not self-adhesive velcro, for the loop side which you will sew to the lace.
  • Using glue, or using self-adhesive velcro, attach the hook side of the velcro to the wooden stick.

Cut Fabric, and Iron and Sew Side Edges Under


Measure the lace fabric and cut it 1" wider, and 4" longer than the finished size of your earring holder.

The finished size of my earring holder was 18" X 24", so I cut the fabric 19" wide X 28" long.

If your lace has a pattern, as mine does (see photo above), think about the placement of the pattern before cutting. I chose to cut the fabric to include exactly two flower panels, with the edges of the earring holder lined up with the vertical strips of the pattern.

Fold and iron 1/2" under on each of side of the fabric, ironing this 1/2" onto the "wrong" side of the fabric. (Some lace does not have a right or wrong side and looks good from all sides. In this case, it doesn't matter which side you iron under, just make sure you iron all the turned under edges to the same side).

Using a loose zig zag seam, sew the folded edges of the sides down, enclosing the raw edge of the lace in your stitch.

Sew Side Edges and Top and Bottom Edges of Lace Fabric


Fold down 1" on the top edge to the wrong side of fabric, marking first if desired, and iron down. Fold down 1" again, so that the raw edge is completely enclosed. Iron this double fold down. Repeat for the bottom edge. Lace can stretch, so be careful to keep the corners square and the edges straight when you fold and iron them down.

Sew both top and bottom edges down using a loose zig zag stitch.

Attach Velcro to Top of Lace


Now that your lace rectangle has been neatly finished on all 4 sides, pin the velcro to the wrong side of the top edge, and sew in place, sewing all around the velcro, close to the edge, using a straight stitch.

Your lace earring holder is now ready to hang!

Attach Wooden Bar to Wall and Hang Earring Holder


Use 2 flat head screws to screw the wooden bar to the wall. If possible, pre-drill a hole in the bar, and in the wall, to make it easier.

Hang your lace earring holder to this bar. The loop side of the velcro on top of the lace will stick to the hook side of the velcro which is attached to the wooden bar.

Hang your earrings (those with hooks work best) and admire your work and your earring collection!

NOTE - you could make an easier version of this earring holder by skipping the wooden bar and velcro, and just attach the lace directly to the wall, but I like being able to take down the lace holder. This allows you to wash the lace, or to transport your earring collection easily by rolling it with a towel. Using the bar also holds the earrings a little bit away from the wall, and requires fewer holes in your wall.