LUX - an External Power Button

by PerfectPixel in Circuits > Electronics

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LUX - an External Power Button

LUX title.jpg

It's a lazy afternoon, and you sit down to turn your computer on, you either: a) you have to bend down and press the power button, or b) you have a laptop - this isn't for you.

Especially where my (desktop) computer is located; under my desk and out of sight; bending down to press that power button is a pretty annoying task: that's the problem, and this is the solution:

LUX - the external power button

Now, I know i'm not the first person to make an external power button, but I still think it's pretty darn cool and it's the design of mine that sets it apart from the others.

For the record, this requires no programming, just some soldering.

This instructable requires you to change the wiring inside of your computer, if you are not careful when doing this you may break your computer. Make sure your are comfortable with doing this before beginning the project.

The main idea behind my design is that I have a cube (yes, a cube), where the top part is separate from the base, and where the two connect there is a push-button which turns on the computer, and an LED just for the cool factor! (right?). How is this possible you may ask! It is simple really, it is just like instead of the signal coming from the button on the front of your computer case, it instead comes from LUX; same with the LED- instead of the power going to the LED on your computer case, it instead goes to LUX.

Tools & Materials

This ain't no advanced project ill tell you right now, it is just some simple woodworking. If you can nail a nail and cut wood then you will be fine.


Wood (of course!) - I used a single strip of 30x11x1800 and for the larger surface areas I joined 2 cuts side on side.

Pushbutton (a large, breadboard style one preferably)

LED (mine was an RGB LED - just for fun)

100 ohm resistor

Hot Glue


Female USB port

Female header pins

Wire with male USB connector on one end

USB extension leads

Wood glue

Blu tac

Wood putty (optional)







Hot Glue Gun

Soldering Iron



Make your measurements, if you are lazy and can't do math here are my measurements:

4x 60x30


1x 12x12x35

Don't forget to leave space where the saw will cut away (usually around 5mm for me) and take that into account when marking your measurements out.

This can all be cut from a single 30x11x1800 strip of wood.



(psst, all measurements are in mm if you didn't know!)

1. Join 2 60x30 pieces together using long nails and wood glue to make a single 60x60 - do this twice.

2. Drill a hole in the middle of a 60x60 piece big enough for the button part of your chosen pushbutton to be inserted into.

3. Attach the 4 - 49x30 pieces onto one of the 60x60 pieces you just drilled, making sure that the pieces each have 1 end touching the other pieces side.

4. Drill a hole at the top of the 12x12x35 piece big enough so that the legs of your chosen LED can fit through.

5. Nail the 12x12x35 into the centre of the other 60x60 piece. (best to nail it from the bottom up)

You should now have 2 pieces: 1 box sort of thing and a bottom piece with a pointy bit sticking out (refer to photos if you don't understand my terrible description)

That is all the woodworking done, now all that is left to do is the soldering and wiring.



Go grab your pushbutton, your led, some cable and the USB connector, why the USB connector you may ask?, seeing as a standard USB has 4 pins, Data +, Data -, VCC and GND, I thought these would be perfect for LUX, but don't be confused, this isn't meant to be plugged into a USB port or else it won't work. Using USB too, it makes it easy to extend the wires distance using cheap USB cables rather than resoldering new ribbon cable etc to it.

1) Get the end of the lead with the Male USB plug on it. Before we start soldering we need to determine what colours are where on your specific USB lead. By this I mean which colour wire corresponds to the position of the tab on a USB port.

2) Get a cable with a USB male connector on one end, and a spliced cable on the other end. Solder 2 wires to the LED's + and - (edit - I forgot about the resistor, you will need to connected a 100ohm resistor to either + or - on the LED - not for the pushbutton however), and the other 2 to the pushbutton. The pushbutton would sit on top of the piece of wood and the LED would sit on the side (facing forward), with it's legs going through the hole you drilled in the top. (confused? refer to the pictures) Make sure to take notes of what colour wires and connected to what.

3) Hot glue those wires down onto the base so that you don't see then and they are held securely in place.

4) Now, get your female header pins and your female USB port + some extra wire. You will need to open your computer case and get to the place on your computer's motherboard where the wires for your computer case goes.

Safety Check! - Have you unplugged your power supply and make sure that it is discharged?

You will need to solder 2 of the female header pins to the + and - of the LED, this needs to correspond to what colour you used. Do the same for the pushbutton with 2 separate female header pins. Not to worry if you get this wrong the first time, the computer just might not start up.

Plugging Stuff In


So you have your 2 distinct sets of wires, 1 for the LED and another for the pushbutton. Where do these go you may ask? They go into a special area on the motherboard that is reserved for these connections. They are normally grouped with other cables such as a piezo speaker, a hard drive LED and even a reset switch. What we will be changing is the commonly called "PWR LED" and the "PWR SW" (power switch). The polarity of the switch doesn't matter (because it's a switch) but the LED's does, but it won't blow up if you get it wrong. (just do a bit of trial and error to get it right). After that, the LED and power button on the front of your computer case won't be functional but don't fear! this is 100% normal and expected. What should be happening is the LED on LUX should be lit and pressing the pushbutton should act as if you were pressing the one on the front of your computer! If this is what happens then congratulations, you just made LUX.


The cable is too short to get on top of my desk!

This is the great part; because we used USB connectors, you can just use a cheap USB extension lead to make it longer or shorter as you please. I must stress, however: do not plug this into any USB port, only the plug you made that is inside of your computer case.

Where can I download the code for this?

There is no code.