LOG Monitor Swing Arm

by msuzuki777 in Circuits > Computers

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LOG Monitor Swing Arm

So this Lazy Old Geek, is Lazy (and Old) and a Geek. One of my computers is in the living room along with my TV. Well, somebody recently gave me a recliner that is pretty comfortable but it doesn’t swivel. Sometimes I like to watch TV and get on the computer at the same time. But since I’m old, my eyes aren’t the greatest so I like my monitor close up.
Anyway, I decided to make a swing arm for my computer monitor. They make a lot of arms for monitors and TVs but none would really work for me. I also didn’t want to drill more holes in the walls.
Readers may have noticed my PVC keyboard stand which was copied from my:


My recliner is next to the kitchen which has one of those big ‘windows’ to the living room. And we/I had a bathtub rail similar to the one in the picture. It didn’t work in our bathtub as our tub walls were tapered and too thin. So for the top of the swing arm, I removed the support arm, cut a piece of particle board, drilled a couple of holes and mounted it to the two brackets which I attached to the window sill. Spacing isn’t too critical as the brackets can be adjusted. 
For the swing arm, I chose a 1” piece of round PVC. I ordered a 35mm hole saw on ebay for drilling holes for this.
For the arms, I chose 1” square aluminum tubing. I thought I’d bought plenty but it was only 48” piece so I just cut it in half.
Most computer monitors have four mounting holes on the back using VESA mounting Interface.
My monitor was 100mm x 100mm spacing with M4 screws. Well M4 screws are available in the USA but I needed some longer ones which I couldn't find locally, so I got ordered some on ebay (I bought 35mm length).
Originally, I was going to have the pivot point be pretty close to the wall but the 24” arms wouldn’t swing out far enough so I had to re-drill the holes in the top piece to move everything out.
Base plate(see picture): Well I wanted it anchored but preferred not to anchor to the wall. My computer was already sitting on a computer table. So I took another piece of particle board and drilled two holes to match up with two of the table legs. The legs stuck through the holes but kept the particle base board from moving very much. Then I took a smaller piece of particle board and drilled a 35mm hole in it for the swing arm. With just the 1” PVC pipe in the top and the bottom piece, I moved the bottom around so it was straight up and down than attached it to the bottom plate with screws. 

Assembly and Conclusions

I needed to figure out how to attach the square aluminum arms to the PVC.
Well, I came up with this scheme. I ‘dremeled’ two slots on the sides of the arms with a cutoff wheel. You may notice I didn’t do a very good job. Then I bought a couple of hose clamps (like the ones they use for car radiator hoses) and fed them through the slots.
I even notched some slots in the PVC where the flat part of the square tubing would fit.
Problem: So I put it all together. Unfortunately, the weight of the monitor on the long arm warped the PVC and the monitor sagged.
Solution: Well, I took another piece of particle board, cut a notch in it and wedged it just below the lower arm so it ‘straightened’ out the PVC. I had to try, whittle and retry to get the monitor level. Well, the leveler piece wouldn’t stay in place, so I cut a piece of 2x4 and screwed it to the lever and the top plate.
Conclusion: Well, it’s not the greatest design but it seems to work okay. In hindsight, I would’ve chosen a stronger swing arm, maybe iron pipe.
I didn’t go into a lot of detail as my particular situation is somewhat unique but it might give you ideas for making your own.