In this tutorial we will learn how to program a simple Load Cell project onto the Load Cell Board.
Load Cell Module available from below link

Since the code is developed in Keil environment, a basic understanding of the Keil is a must.
Following is the software that must be pre-installed for this project.
1. Download and Install the Keil software(Keil Keygen Mandatory)
2. Download and Install Database Installer(TH065_OCD_ICE)
3. Download the source code from the following Git Repository
4.Load Cell schematic are available at :
5. Load Cell manual are available at :
Megawin 8051 ICE Adapter Connections

Import the Code Build and Debug It

Output Read Tool

By using Termite we can read the output of module. The UART Protocol Frame Format is as follows. Configure the UART for 115200, 8 Bits, No parity, 1 stop bit. The module is configured as slave device.
To read from module send ‘R’. The module sends total 8 bytes of data that is 4 bytes (32 bit) of raw value data and 4 byte (32 bit) of calibrated actual readings in float of weight sensor reading in MSB first format.