LM 386 Versatile Portable Amplifier

by rodski in Circuits > Speakers

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LM 386 Versatile Portable Amplifier

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•Soldering iron 30w
•Soldering lead
•Glue gun
•QuickDry epoxy(mighty bond)
•Acrylic Flexiglass 3mm
•Acrylic Spray Paint
•Masking tape
•Electrical tape
•Transparent tube hose(option)
Or Heat shrink tube
•Philips screwdriver
•Scoring blade(for cutting flexiglass)
•Ruler(for measurement)
•other tools necessary

•Parts Needed
LM 386
1*33pf Ceramic Capacitor
1* 0.047uf Metal Film Cap 50v
1* 220uf Electrolitic Cap 25v
1* 100 uf Electrolitic Cap 16v
2* 0.22 Metal Film Cap 50v
1* 10uf Electrolitic Cap
1* 22k 1/4w
1* 10 ohm 1/8w
2* 10k 1/8w
2* 10k Pot
1* 2k 1/8w
2* 100 ohm 1/8w
1* 330 ohm 1/8w
2* 2.2k 
1* Perf board
Wires (i used car audio wires)
Speaker Terminals
2*stereo 3.5 jack
1* Power jack (12 v)
2* volume knobs
•Housing (i used acrylic- flexiglass

The Datasheet

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Knowing the datasheet of certain component like LM 386 will help you further understand how a certain component works.Datasheet can be downloaded here:


Schematic Diagram

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Various schematics of LM386 audio/guitar amplifier are available on many sites.,You could also found many descent LM386 ibles here.Here's the schematic found on Makezine by Rosh Hershberger.,then i manually drawn schematics on note and altered and add some components to eliminate the distortion.,Just to clarify things up,im not saying the schematics of Rosh is not perfect.,i just added some components that works for me.


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In the process of testing different types of schematics gathered on various websites.
Testing my spared and salvaged capacitors.,eliminating hizz and some other sound distortions.

Final Test / Soldering on Prep Board

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Finally found the one that works for me.,all the hizz and distortion where all gone.After an hour of testing various caps,frying 2 LM386...,Yes..,i fried two LM386.,

Putting It on a Case

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Putting the amplifier board can be done in various ways,but im into using Acrylic Flexiglass,preparation on this kind of case needs more time and effort,but the result is satisfying and durable.

Compressing the Wires

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Compressing the wires and putting some insulations on bare wires using scrap oxygen hose.
•how i wired my 2 speakers @ 8 ohms 3 watts each wired in parallel.
•see image speaker wiring.


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It's all inside the case now.

Add Some Cosmetics

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After testing the audio quality sound produced in this project.,I finallized it using black spray paint,to add some cosmetics.


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After all the soldering,cutting of flexiglass,assembling it all together & finalizing it with paint.,One last thing,testing it on various audio devices i have.

•tested and runs on

•5vdc powerbank(for outdoor use)

•12 vdc power adapter charger(at home)

•2 lithium ion 18650 battery wired in series output voltage of 8.4 in full battery status-for outdoor use (improvised battery pack)

So there you have it,another DIY project that cost me $6 to build.,The sound it produced on the devices seen on iimage are superb.,Achieving what im expecting.,The base is good loud enough to enjoy music playing among friends when outdoor.,i tested it this on our last summer swimming/reunion.,Everybody enjoys it.,
Thank you for reading and hoping you enjoyed it.