LED Steampunk Rose
A pretty, light-up rose made of metal
-2 colors long wire
-a short amount of pretty, insulated wire (mine is red)
-tinned copper braided wire (this stuff: http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/georgewenzhou/product-detailTMsxEChPaGVD/China-Tinned-Copper-Braided-Wire.html)
-battery pack (&batteries)
-high-power LED
-2 puff balls
Wrap the LED in Wire.
Be careful that the wire is insulated at all points from the LED leads. This step is purely decorative!
Solder LED Leads to Wires.
Sugru Over Solder.
Make sure you don't short-circuit; the sugru should insulate the leads from one another.
Prepare the Flower.
Hold one end of the braided wire and open out the other end so it looks flower-like.
Twirl Wire.
Optional, but much neater.
Insert LED Into Flower.
Through the bottom of the flower, feed in the head of the LED. Pad with puffballs to hold it in the center.
Sugru Closed End of Flower.
This should hold the wires in place.
Attach to Power.
Attach wire leads to battery pack.
Now do something pretty with it.