What is that?
-LED with plastic rubber (tube) and it gives you cool light!
-Easy to build and cheap!!!
-Perfect for inside PC light
You will need:
-10cm long plastic/rubber pipe (6 mm outside dia.)
-2 LEDs
-2 resistors
-hot glue and glue gun
-soldering iron
-food dya/paint (if you want...I use that because it looks better in daylight)
-scissors or something to cut
What is LED???
-Light-emitting diode
-Has positive and negative leg
-Usually use 20mA=0,02A(I led)
-Gives a lot of light
In this project we need the maximum power of the LED (more power, more length of tube) so we should choose resistor value by calculating.
I want to use it on 5V(Uin) and my LED needs 3,3V(Uled) so...
So we need to use 85Ohm resistor or little bit different.
You need to solder the resistor to the led.
Tube/pipe and Led
When you soldered the resistor to the led you can glue it inside the pipe.
It is easy to do.
If you did it one side you can put some water in it(or painted water).
If it's full with water you can glue the other led.
After these you can turn it on...