LED Light Box Michael

- 3mm acrylic
-Creality 3d printer
- 1.75 mm PLA plastic
-50 watt Epilog helix laser
-LED Strips
Step 1: Cutting and Engraving

First I found a black and white PNG image of my wolf. Imported my image into google draw and used the line tool to trace it then we had to delete all borders and saved it as an SVG. file and sent to a program called Corel Draw so we could delete all our borders and get our dimensions to make it fit into our template.Got our printer set to acrylic engraving with 300 DPI at 50 watts 90s 70p then to cut our shape we used cutting 1/8 (3mm) 15s 100p then we started engraving and cutting our shape after 7 minutes our acrylic was cut and printed. (It is very easy to scratch so dont rub it on the table or use your finger nails.)
Step 2:Design and Printing Box

First we have to make a slit for our acrylic we had to measure the acrylic from bottom to top and width to see if the acrylic fits in the slit so we had to make a prototype of the slit so we can see if our dimensions work. After using those dimensions we had to make another but make it 1.5mm smaller so the acrylic wont move much and wont be to tight. Then we had to exported it in an stl. file so the 3d printer could see the whole 3d shape so it could print using 1.75mm PLA plastic. After 3 hours and 20 minutes the box and the lid is printed
Step 3: Electronics and Wiring

<p> In the Led Box Light it will contain 4 main components. Such as Energy source (AC,DC),Conductor (wire), Electrical load (Device), and One controller (switch). It's best to get familiar with these components since they will be a big part of the Led Light Box. Go ahead and open the website " Circuit Diagram maker" and make the diagram above </p><p>rosin cord</p><p>wires</p><p>This step is hard but you can get use to it really quick, You will need to get two wires and twist them together and solder it together once you have that done you will put a heat shrinkage solder sleeve and it will heat up until all areas are closed and is heated to max. This was practice for the soldering i the LED BOX LIGHT. </p><p> You will now do the same to your switch <p>, some materials you may need for this processes are listed here: </p<>p>, Helping hands </p><p>iron</p><p>rosin cord</p><p>wires</p><p>, this step is hard but you can get familiar with it really quick, you will need to get two wires and twist them together and solder it together once you have done that you will put a heat shrinkage solder sleeve and heat it up until all areas are closed and is heated to the max. This was practice for the soldering in the LED BOX LIGHT. </p><p> you will now do the same to your switch and wires solder it together and it should light up. </p>
Step 4: Assembly

After you solder everything and put the wire in place you have put the switch into your box after that you need to super glue the LED Light strip to the slit so it stays in place then make sure that everything works as it should. Then depending if your lid is to small or to big you have to glue your lid to the bottom of the box to keep it in place. Then you test everything again to make sure to works. Then plug it in and now you have a LED Light box.