LED Holder
Download Inkscape and Xquartz.
Inkscape link:
Xquartz link:
Get Acquainted With Inkscape!
Make a Box.
Make a Text Box.
Add in LED Holes
Now, the most important part of all... We need holes to hold our LEDs! Each hole will have a 1/10 inch diameter, but instead of creating them yourself, you may just import these holes I have attached to this step.
Save Your Project.
Whew! After all this hard work, make sure to save your work as an Inkscape document, so not to lose all your progress. There are many choices, so beware, and take care to chose the right one.
Moving the Led Holes
Make sure the LED Holes are correctly spaced. Otherwise, the LEDs may not fit unless you use the mountain and valleys technique, (Every other LED will be right-side up.) or skip a hole for each LED.
Vector Cuts
Go to the Fill and Stroke tab in the Object tab and open it. You will the have to change all of the LED holes and outline to the vector cut of 0.001 in. If it is any higher, or lower, the object will not be cut, only engraved. THESE TWO MUST BE CUT!
Save It to a PDF
Go to Save As and choose from the the expandable list PDF and save it.
Set Up Your Laser Cutter
This part is a little advanced. To get instructions, go to http://www.fablabsd.org/tools/book-laser-cutter/preparing-your-files-for-a-laser-cutter/. Then, all you have to do is cut it out! Hope you enjoy your new LED holder! Feel free to comment and tell me about other uses for it! :^ P
Special Thanks To:
- Iolani Fab Lab
- Inkscape & Xquartz
Thank you for making this all possible!