LED Dice With Buzzer
This instructable will teach you how to make a LED dice with buzzer when button is pressed.
Original source: https://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-Arduino-LED-Dice/
-jumper wires
-7 LEDs
-1 breadboard
-1 Arduino Leonardo
-1 USB cable for Arduino
-1 button
-1 buzzer
-1 resistor
Assembling LEDs
Arrange your LEDs in the H formation shown above. The H formation will make sure your outcome looks like a dice.
Wiring the LEDs
Now use the jumper wires to connect the LEDs. Connect:
LED 1 in pin 1
LED 2 in pin 2
LED 3 in pin 3
LED 4 in pin 7
LED 5 in pin 4
LED 6 in pin 5
LED 7 in pin 6
And connect all LEDs to the negative channel.
The Buzzer
Connect the positive leg of the buzzer to pin 11 and the other leg to the negative channel.
The Button
Follow the formation shown in this image. The grey line goes to the 5V pin and the orange line goes to pin 8.
Here is the code I used for this project:
Wrap & Done!
Wrap and decorate your work to make it look better if you wish. That's all!