LED Christmas Tree

by FemboyDaniel in Circuits > LEDs

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LED Christmas Tree


The season of giving edges nearer and nearer. As most American households prove, a well furbished place of residence with festive embellishments can bring joy and spirits to homes all over. Instead of bringing the standard decor arrangement of dull, plastic conifers scattered among the abode, why not give a new atmosphere this year? As they say, variety is the spice of life, and what way else to integrate a new fashion than to begin with a decoration of this quality? In this instructable, you will be informed on how this process can occur, by such means of a Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas tree.


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The supplies needed to be in your possession preceding the construction of the LED Christmas tree are as follows:

  • 2x Christmas tree-shaped circuit boards
  • 1x Square-shaped circuit board
  • 6x Red LEDs
  • 6x Green LEDs
  • 6x Yellow LEDs
  • 5x Transistors
  • 6x Capacitors
  • 1x Soldering Iron
  • 1x Power Switch
  • 1x Power Connector
  • 1x Soldering Wire
  • 7x 10k Ohm Resistors
  • 2x 1k Ohm Resistors
  • 2x .330k Ohm Resistors
  • 2x 2k Ohm Resistors
  • 2x Small Screws
  • 2x Bolts
  • 3x AA Batteries
  • 3x AA Battery Possessor (With Wires)
  • 1x Scissors

The Art of Soldering

Soldering Tips And Trick Tutorial: Basics 101

Our adventure begins. 


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After your viewing of the renowned "Soldering Tips and Trick Tutorial: Basics 101," you are now prepared to begin your first step commencing creation of the Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas Tree. Firstly, you must understand the very fundamental concepts regarding the districts in which these varied sets of apparatus are to be placed. For you see, for each LED/resistor/transistor/capacitor/power switch/power connector there is an equal and corresponding “hole” in which they are to be placed. A “hole” does not refer to a singular hole in the circuit board, produced by effects of undesired factory malfunction, but rather, a set of two adjacent gaps in the circuit board, laced around the rim with either a spherical or cubical exterior of some sort of foreign metallic material. Each of these gaps in plastic substance are labeled are part of a series of alphabetical variables followed by a numerical value. These are used to provide comprehension to a land of anarchy, supplying ourselves with a domain to place these LEDs and whatnot. For the simpletons in the audience, a basic definition of a circuit board is a contraption used to link various electronic components together via an electric current. A well known fact regarding the functionality of electronics, is that currents flow from negative to positive. This will prove to be a defining factoid to your installment of the Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas Tree, as there are a diverse array of complexities in this project. To follow the word of this standard of circuitry, we must first realize of the seemingly undesirable “birth defects” of our LEDs. As is evident once  a closer gaze is taken, one “leg” of the LED appears to be longer than the other. This is no deformity by any means, but rather, an indication of the polarity of our little friends. The longer leg is the positive end of the LED, you will be placing this limb into the positive hole. Though, the positive hole’s whereabouts are a bit more intricate than simple length. The outward bounds of the tree-shaped circuits contain all of the locations in which the LEDs are to be placed. Worry not of the innards, for we will get to those later. Each set of two holes has the etchings of a white circular perimeter. So too, will it tell us of the required polarities. Pictured above, is a rendition of its imposing presence. All you must know is that the point in which the two diagonal lines located in the middle tract are pointing towards is the hole that is negative. Therefore, the hole under it is the positive hole, by simple means of deduction. Our first task is to establish the first 6 LEDs into their interrelated holes. Obtain a set of 6 LEDs, those of the same color, and with your newfound knowledge of soldering and polarity, solder the LED into its chargely related holes. These respective holes, which are D1-6, can be found at the top right corner of B-Side of the tree circuit. 3 holes down will be D2, and so on.

Completing the First Set of LEDs


after you got to d6 with all da legs in dere just do the same thing with 7-12 but with a different color so it looks pretty and den do da same thing with 13-18 real simple but then remember to cut off the legs of both these leds and all future diodes using your scissors because they can both be a nuisance to your future soldering trials as well as potentially make contact and result in a short circuit, which would then, in conclusion, cease the flow of charge throughout your circuit and discontinue the contraptions intended function. 

Putting the Transistors, Capacitors, and Resistors Into the Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas Tree


Our migration to the innards of the circuit begins. This is where the transistors, capacitors, and resistors are to be placed. Beginning with the capacitors, these supple young lads are meant to reside at the C1-3 locations, at the bottom of the circuit. Handle them with care, for they will store the electrical energy in this electric field of circuit. Place its longer leg into the zone with the positive symbol. Next is the transistors. These three legged cryptids are also of great use to us, as these semiconductor devices regulate the flow of voltage throughout the circuit, and are pretty wicked in general. Coordinate their positioning so that the circular half is facing the same direction as the inscriptions on the circuit itself. Place these fellows throughout the Q1-3 emplacements. Lastly, we have the resistors. These ruffians are a tad bit more demanding to deal with, however, if you are to keep track with their respective ohm counts, this will be of no matter. Place the 330 ohm resistor at the R2 location. Place the 1k ohm resistor at the R6 location. Place the 2k ohm resistor at the R4 location. And finally, place 4 10k ohm resistors at the R1, R3, R5, and R7 locations. Worry not of the path you choose when regarding their leg establishment, for resistors are not affected by such petty things.

Duplication (Not Entirely)


Creating a second iteration of a contraption you have already concocted might seem like clockwork, but in this case, you would only be half correct. The first half, soldering the LEDs into their intended holes remains the same, but their locations are slightly different. As a test of endurance, I will not be revealing the positions of these LEDs. However, the second half of the seemingly clockwork task is a tad bit more difficult. As you might have noticed prior to reading the following sentences revealing the alterations between the B and A side of the Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas tree, the Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas Trees B and A sides have minor differences between each other. Do not simply follow the same instruction as Step 4: Putting The Transistors, Capacitors, And Resistors Into The LED Christmas Tree entails, but rather, heed the instruction that I am to give you in this step.

For this task, as I have mentioned previously in the loredump section of this step, you must once more apply the 18 LEDs to LED Christmas Circuit Board-Based Tree side A, D1-6, D7-12, and D13-18, wherever they might be. The alteration begins when the transistors, capacitors, and resistors are brought into the equation. Their locations are no longer what they had once been, but rather, have seemingly quantum tunneled into vastly alien territory. Beginning with the resistors, the remaining 330 ohm resistor is to be placed at the R6 location, below the uppermost left aperture in the middle region of the circuit. The remaining 1k ohm resistor is to be placed at the R4 location, the uppermost right aperture in the middle region of the circuit. The remaining 2k ohm resistor is to be placed at the R2 location, the bottom left. The 10k resistors will be placed at R1, R3, R5, and R7, the only resistor-shaped crevasses left. Solder your transistors into the three transistors intended holes, Q1-3, with the circular-curved end matching the engraving on the circuit itself, as is tradition. As for the Capacitors, they should be placed into the C1-3 location. Little change, there is, to both the transistors and capacitors, but I felt it necessary to warn you of such peril of the resistorworks. 

Put the Fellas Together


okay so basically you gotta move the leds slightly so you can slide the two little tree circuit board lads together and if ya followed the step of cutting off their legs before you wouldnt need to do that now heh thats about it for this step just make sure there all the way down otherwise thatd be a dang shame if the ol fellas werent aligned correctly wouldnt it heh


i nearly forgot you also oughta solder da trees together to make em secure, by means of using the soldering iron to conjoin a gap between the trees based by the uppermost region of circuitular matter, the general midpoint of circuitular matter, nearing the foundation, and the foundation itself. rather than employing an led or something of this sort to allow for a connection via an external material intertwining  to the two gaps by means of melted solder wire, you must simply amass an abundant amount of solder and fuse the voids by constructing a resemblance of a bridge, not necessarily acting as a means for the current to traverse the circuit, but instead to add stability to the structure itself. itd be a dang shame if id forgotten to tell ya that wouldnt it heh

The Supreme Ordeal


A most daunting task awaits you. Many fear the very thought of this step, and those who enter this step rarely exit without severe trauma. A vast majority of Circuit Board-Based LED Christmas tree failures result from this dreadful endeavor, and I will attempt everything in my power to make sure a pupil of FemboyDaniel is not to fall short of success. Read the following passages with grand intricacy, as any misstep can lead to complete and utter ruin.

In this step we are to install both the power switch as well as the power connector. If you are to believe this task will result in a lighthearted, leisurely activity of content, how blissfully naive you must be. While yes, it is only two adornments that will be added to the Square-Shaped Circuit Board, however, the soldering procedure in which you will partake in, is the epitome of H.E. double hockey sticks. We will begin with the power switch. May God have mercy upon your soul. As you might have been aware of anteceding the usage of this commodity, this object of chaos is to be placed in the 6-holed region of pure anguish. Why this is such an affliction to all is all but bewildering. The beads of solder, which must be connected to all 6 limbs of this eldritch beast, will prove to be nearly impossible to solder without unintentionally connecting the legs. Or how it may so seem. Fret not, for I have a countermeasure to lessen the effects of this behemoth of a burden. Using this newly discovered method, you will go against your teachings of youth. You will disregard my previous informational video titled “Soldering Tips and Trick Tutorial: Basics 101,” and evolve past such foolish conduct. With this new technique, you will be able to slay this vermin, and pursue far greater things. In place of the doctrine of old, which implores you to place the soldering wire near the hole that is to be filled, and melting the solder, you will instead obtain a truly minuscule amount of solder, melt it onto the iron itself, and proceed to consecutively stab the legs of the beast, until the hole has been defeated. A diagonal attack upon this area will produce less risk, and the addition of more solder should only be considered after your body is nearing complete dysfunction. A dangerous route, this is, however, as there is another great threat underlying the peril of leg conjoinment. This new menace penalizes you for your patience and tenacity, by simply existing as a property of plastic. If you are to place your soldering iron for an extended period of time onto the circuit board, it is likely that it will damage the inner workings of the contraption, and leave you with nothing. Be careful out there, as this process will take much longer than the average maneuver. It will take endurance, perseverance, and an undying bloodlust to prove your worth in this area of expertise. Next comes the power connector. An admittedly simpler version of the previous item, however, it still brings its aura of demise with it. Do not underestimate its power, and I wish you good luck, for you will need it. 

Easy Step


If you are reading this, I congratulate you. For you have felled the task that little dare to even attempt. Your reward? A most simple task. Loved by many, hated by none, this step embodies the threshold of alleviation that you are about to cross. All the following steps can be completed with relative ease, including this one. You have reached the incipience of dalliance, worry not of future mishaps, for it will be but smooth sailing henceforth.

Grab ahold of both the Square-Shaped Circuit Board with its newly applied appendages, as you will the recently woven Christmas Tree Circuits. Simply locate the very obvious set of 4 holes, and align the polar engravings with both the tree and the base. Solder this creature in from the bottom, as well as the upper layer of the board.

Secondary Easy Step


Obtain the possessor of the three AA Batteries, as well as the two screws and their corresponding bolts. Screw the bolts in, bottom to up, and use the bolts to tighten bond between circuit and battery possessor, as bolts are typically used for. Once the grasp is firm, place the three AA batteries into their respective zones, using common sense to formulate which polarity is the correct direction. Connect the wires to the points in which they should be placed. You know where this is.

Third Easy Step


The moment of truth. This is what it all boils down to. Will the LEDs light up, displaying a pure spectacle of reverence and awe, or will the only result be the light clicking of a power switch. Now is your time to prove your validation. Simply press the button. That is all this step entails.






I am in tears. You’ve come so far since the beginning of this adventure. I’ve seen you learn, succeed (with only minor hiccups,) and even evolve past the teachings of your mentor himself. You’ve slain the great beasts of pure unholiness, and continued on with this journey, all the way through, with myself by your side. You’ve obtained your festive decoration, yes, but does that truly tell of what you have gained here? I think not. You have learned so much, and used your intuition to perform tasks purely by yourself. I'd like to think that, maybe, the true Circuit Board-Based Christmas Tree was the friends we made along the way.

 It's been an honor, but I am afraid we must part ways now. I am most definitely sure you will achieve far greater success, as after I was to behold this grand display of skill, I am to think nothing otherwise. May you fare well in your future endeavors. Goodbye, friend.