LED Brightness Control Using Arduino's Serial Monitor
by hedaselish in Circuits > Arduino
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LED Brightness Control Using Arduino's Serial Monitor

- Controlling LED's brightness without using potentiometer.
- Allowing float values in map function.
There are variety of applications that was used in this project such as controlling the speed of a motor, proportional valves, and solenoid valves with a more precise speed due to the usage of float values for mapping. Using float values can maximize the use of PWM signal to have more precise control.

Anode → D3 ( If you are using different Arduino board, PWM pins might differ. Check the PWM pins for the Arduino board you are going to use )
Cathode → GND

NOTE: Download and add the "MapFloat" library before uploading the code. This library will allow you to enter float values for mapping. Download link
#include "MapFloat.h" //Library Source: https://github.com/radishlogic/MapFloat float PWMVal = 0; const int pinOut = 3; // PWM Pin of Arduino Nano void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { while (Serial.available()>0){ String myString = Serial.readString(); // Read as String float myFloat = myString.toFloat(); // Convert it to float float PWMVal = mapFloat (myFloat, 0,10.0,0,255); // 0->0 , 10->255 analogWrite(pinOut, PWMVal); // Output Serial.print("LEVEL = "); Serial.println(myFloat); Serial.print ("PMW VALUE = "); Serial.println (PWMVal); Serial.println("----------------------------"); } }