Hi my name is Aniso Ibrahim I'm a high school student in Northern Colorado, Currently in my Sophomore year and in the making of an LED Light Box for my engineer class. We will begin with the fundamental basics of this project such as learning the difference between engraving and embossing. Embossing is when it is raised up while engraving is like incising a design on a hard project. Once you have fully understood those we will be moving on to the actual project where we create an Led Box using a 3D app known as Tinker cad, it is a great tool to start 3D modeling very easy to use and compatible with 3D printers. Its best to get familiar with it considering we will use it a lot more often for the LED Box itself. We will then move on to learning more about circuit diagrams so we can fully understand the function of Led Strips. This project is really fun and not to mention you get to understand more about basic engineering throughout this project.
Steps For: Materials

The Led light box seems pretty cool right? Well you can definitely make this with a little guide of course but all you need are a couple materials such as a template which I will provide for you and all the others listed below.
A computer
Epilog laser
Led strip
The Light Box Glass Temp
This is one of the many simple steps to making an Led Light Box, All you need is a google template to get started. You can choose to either use a drawing or a quote, I for one did a quote. Feel free to use the template that I have provided to get started. Once you have chosen a drawing or a quote which ever one is fine, You have to trace your drawing using the google draw template. In order to do that in the top left corner there should be an icon that says format and right under that you will find a shape that is named "line", you will need to click on the little drop down arrow and once you do that a lot of selections will come up but we will only use the curved one to trace.
Printing Out the Light Box Glass Temp
Once you have finished tracing, This next part will be a little more confusing. You will need to send your template as SVG and NOT as a PDF. For me I sent it to my teacher who then helped me change the settings of my light box glass because its important that we change its heat, frequency, and height based on the material. It is also best to change it because whether you want to engrave or cut if the setting is off the material will get ruined, Its all based on the type of material you are using.
Designing and Printing the Box

For this light box we will be using tinker cad so open that up real quick and select make a new design. From there you wanna drag a box and make the dimensions (120mm x 40mm x 30mm) using xyz (X=120)(Y=40)(Z=30)
Afterwards you will make another box with the same measurements just subtracting 3 from everything only difference is we want this one a hole instead of a solid and you will group them together . EX- (120-3=117) (40-3=37) (30-3=27). Then you will make a lid with the original dimensions (120mm x 40mm x 30mm) but make sure for this one the wall is 1.5 Millimetre thick. After this make another box and this will be the rim to our lid and the measurements should be the same just subtract 3, Once you have done that you will group these together.
Get another box and make sure its a solid and for this design the measurements are (100mm x 7mm x 30 mm) Then get another box and make sure this one is a hole and the measurements are (97mm x 4mm x 30 mm). Once finished with that align both the solid and hole box together and then align it to the central of your light box and then move it 10x to the side.
We are almost finished with the box, Now we will make the circle hole that is really simple. For this one you don't need a box instead we will use a cylinder, make sure its a hole and the dimensions are (3,3,20) as XYZ and the elevation should be 20. Move it on the opposite side of the slot and once you've done that group it.
okay so this is the last part to the Box, The dimensions for this box are (13,5,10) and the elevation should be 20. This box should me one the right side of the box, They shouldn't be across from each other nor on the same side. Align it to the side of the box and group it. The whole thing together should look something like mine except for adding your initials, You can do that if you wanted to but its not necessary.
Electronics and Wiring

In the Led Box Light it will contain 4 main electronic components. Such as Energy source (AC,DC),Conductor (wire), Electrical Load (Device), and One controller (switch). It's best to get familiar with these components since they will be a big part in the LED LIGHT BOX. Go ahead and open the website "Circuit diagram maker" and make the diagram above.
Some materials you may need for this process are listed below:
Helping hands
rosin cord
This step is hard but you can get familiar with it really quick, You will need to get two wires and twist them together and solder it together once you have done that you will put a heat shrinkage solder sleeve and heat it up until all areas are closed and is heated to max. This was practice for the soldering in the LED BOX LIGHT.
You will now do the same to your switch and wires solder it together.
We are just about done with this project, The last and final part you need to do is put your switch in the hole, Since my box cracked in the processes of putting my switch in I glued it which did wonders in a way. Then you will need to organize your wires and glue down the Led strip, After that it should work and you are finished.