
by sickvic07 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Autodesk Droid Maker Contest - LD-2

LD-2 is a spider-like droid capable of maneuvering on difficult and uneven terrain. It's sharp, talon-like legs allow it to embed itself into any surface, scaling walls and hanging from ceilings as it pleases. LD-2 is designed to be a security droid that roams the Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband, protecting the numerous crypts that contain the deceased Dark Lords of the Sith, including the sarcophagus of Darth Bane. The droid is equipped with Nano-droid technology and in the event of an intruder, LD-2 opens a compartment hidden on the underside of it's main body and unleashes thousands of tiny explosive Nano-droids upon its targets.

The name is derived from the scientific name for the black widow spider, LatroDectus, and its unit number, 2, is a bit of a callback to Darth Bane's Rule of 2.