LCS Stick Man Game

by j07154 in Circuits > Arduino

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LCS Stick Man Game

Stick Man Summative

This is a project inspired from MissionCritical, Cited for code and pictures from




Material List:

1 x Arduino UNO

1 x LCD screen (16 x 2 character, with IC2 module)

1 x Electronics breadboard (any kind)

1 x 220 Ω resistor

1 x Pushbutton switch (any kind)

1 x 10*35 paper box (cm)

1 x 9*20 paper box (cm)

Connect LCD's IC2 Module With Arduino


Connect Button With Arduino


Measure and Cut


- The measure for the LCD is 3x7

- Two X are for the button and LED

Plugin the Hardwares


Second Box for Ultrasonic Sensor


Cut out two identical holes that have a diameter of 1.7cm and 1.2cm between them. The holes had to be horizontal.

Connect the Ultrasonic Sensor


Connect the wires:

- Vcc to 5V

- Gnd to ground

- Echo to pin 9

- Trig to pin 10

Circuit for Ultrasonic Sensor

螢幕擷取畫面 2021-05-23 202603.png

- Follow the picture




#define PIN_BUTTON 2 #define PIN_AUTOPLAY 1 #define PIN_READWRITE 10 #define PIN_CONTRAST 7


#define HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION 1 // Horizontal position of hero on screen


#define HERO_POSITION_OFF 0 // Hero is invisible #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1 1 #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2 2

#define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1 3 // Starting a jump #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_2 4 // Half-way up #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3 5 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_4 6 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5 7 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_6 8 // Jump is on upper row #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_7 9 // Half-way down #define HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8 10 // About to land

#define HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1 11 // Hero is running on upper row (pose 1) #define HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2 12 // (pose 2)

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd_I2C_27(0x27,16,2);

void setup(){ // put your setup code here, to run once: lcd_I2C_27.init (); // initialize the lcd lcd_I2C_27.backlight(); digitalWrite( 10 , LOW ); //set ultrasonic sensor trigPin

lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(0 , 0) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "0" ); // Print a message to the LCD.


void loop(){ // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: _times = 0 ; if ( _times != 20 ) { if ( UltrasonicSensorCM( 10 , 9 ) < 150 ) { ju _time = ( _times + 1 ) ; } lcd_I2C_27.clear(); lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(0 , 0) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "Hello" ); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(5 , 0) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "Jump" ); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(4 , 1) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "20 times" ); // Print a message to the LCD. } else { lcd_I2C_27.clear(); lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(2 , 0) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "You are allowed" ); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(4 , 1) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "to play" ); // Print a message to the LCD. delay( 3000 ); // waits a few milliseconds lcd_I2C_27.clear(); lcd_I2C_27.setCursor(5 , 1) ; // set the cursor, counting begins with 0 lcd_I2C_27.print( "Enjoy!" ); // Print a message to the LCD. delay( 3000 ); // waits a few milliseconds } }

static char terrainUpper[TERRAIN_WIDTH + 1]; static char terrainLower[TERRAIN_WIDTH + 1]; static bool buttonPushed = false;

void initializeGraphics(){ static byte graphics[] = { // Run position 1 B01100, //// 已修改 ~~~ B01100, B00000, B01110, B11100, B01100, B11010, B10011, // Run position 2 B01100, B01100, B00000, B01100, B01100, B01100, B01100, B01110, // Jump B01100, B01100, B00000, B11110, B01101, B11111, B10000, B00000, // Jump lower B11110, B01101, B11111, B10000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, // Ground B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, // Ground right B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, B00011, // Ground left B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, B11000, }; /// ~~ 已修改/////// int i; // Skip using character 0, this allows lcd.print() to be used to // quickly draw multiple characters for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { lcd.createChar(i + 1, &graphics[i * 8]); } for (i = 0; i < TERRAIN_WIDTH; ++i) { terrainUpper[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; terrainLower[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; } }

// Slide the terrain to the left in half-character increments // void advanceTerrain(char* terrain, byte newTerrain){ for (int i = 0; i < TERRAIN_WIDTH; ++i) { char current = terrain[i]; char next = (i == TERRAIN_WIDTH-1) ? newTerrain : terrain[i+1]; switch (current){ case SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY: terrain[i] = (next == SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID) ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_RIGHT : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID: terrain[i] = (next == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_LEFT : SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_RIGHT: terrain[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID; break; case SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID_LEFT: terrain[i] = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; } } }

bool drawHero(byte position, char* terrainUpper, char* terrainLower, unsigned int score) { bool collide = false; char upperSave = terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION]; char lowerSave = terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION]; byte upper, lower; switch (position) { case HERO_POSITION_OFF: upper = lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_RUN1; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_RUN2; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8: upper = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; lower = SPRITE_JUMP; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_2: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_7: upper = SPRITE_JUMP_UPPER; lower = SPRITE_JUMP_LOWER; break; case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_4: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5: case HERO_POSITION_JUMP_6: upper = SPRITE_JUMP; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1: upper = SPRITE_RUN1; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; case HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2: upper = SPRITE_RUN2; lower = SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY; break; } if (upper != ' ') { terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = upper; collide = (upperSave == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? false : true; } if (lower != ' ') { terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = lower; collide |= (lowerSave == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) ? false : true; } byte digits = (score > 9999) ? 5 : (score > 999) ? 4 : (score > 99) ? 3 : (score > 9) ? 2 : 1; // Draw the scene terrainUpper[TERRAIN_WIDTH] = '\0'; terrainLower[TERRAIN_WIDTH] = '\0'; char temp = terrainUpper[16-digits]; terrainUpper[16-digits] = '\0'; lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(terrainUpper); terrainUpper[16-digits] = temp; lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(terrainLower); lcd.setCursor(16 - digits,0); lcd.print(score);

terrainUpper[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = upperSave; terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] = lowerSave; return collide; }

// Handle the button push as an interrupt void buttonPush() { buttonPushed = true; }

void setup(){ pinMode( 6 , OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output pinMode(PIN_READWRITE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_READWRITE, LOW); pinMode(PIN_CONTRAST, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_CONTRAST, LOW); pinMode(PIN_BUTTON, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_BUTTON, HIGH); pinMode(PIN_AUTOPLAY, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_AUTOPLAY, HIGH); // lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); // Digital pin 2 maps to interrupt 0 attachInterrupt(0/*PIN_BUTTON*/, buttonPush, FALLING); initializeGraphics(); lcd.begin(); }

void loop(){ static byte heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; static byte newTerrainType = TERRAIN_EMPTY; static byte newTerrainDuration = 1; static bool playing = false; static bool blink = false; static unsigned int distance = 0; if (!playing) { drawHero((blink) ? HERO_POSITION_OFF : heroPos, terrainUpper, terrainLower, distance >> 3); if (blink) { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Press Start"); } delay(250); blink = !blink; if (buttonPushed) { initializeGraphics(); heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; playing = true; buttonPushed = false; distance = 0; } return; }

// Shift the terrain to the left advanceTerrain(terrainLower, newTerrainType == TERRAIN_LOWER_BLOCK ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY); advanceTerrain(terrainUpper, newTerrainType == TERRAIN_UPPER_BLOCK ? SPRITE_TERRAIN_SOLID : SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY); // Make new terrain to enter on the right if (--newTerrainDuration == 0) { if (newTerrainType == TERRAIN_EMPTY) { newTerrainType = (random(3) == 0) ? TERRAIN_UPPER_BLOCK : TERRAIN_LOWER_BLOCK; newTerrainDuration = 2 + random(10); } else { newTerrainType = TERRAIN_EMPTY; newTerrainDuration = 10 + random(10); } } if (buttonPushed) { if (heroPos <= HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2) heroPos = HERO_POSITION_JUMP_1; buttonPushed = false; }

if (drawHero(heroPos, terrainUpper, terrainLower, distance >> 3)) { // 已修改 ~~~ playing = false; // The hero collided with something. Too bad. digitalWrite( 6 , HIGH ); // sets the digital pin on/off delay( 1000 ); // waits a few milliseconds digitalWrite( 6 , LOW ); // sets the digital pin on/off delay( 1000 ); // waits a few milliseconds digitalWrite( 6 , HIGH ); // sets the digital pin on/off delay( 1000 ); // waits a few milliseconds digitalWrite( 6 , LOW ); // sets the digital pin on/off delay( 1000 ); // waits a few milliseconds } else { if (heroPos == HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_2 || heroPos == HERO_POSITION_JUMP_8) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_LOWER_1; } else if ((heroPos >= HERO_POSITION_JUMP_3 && heroPos <= HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5) && terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] != SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1; } else if (heroPos >= HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1 && terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION] == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_JUMP_5; } else if (heroPos == HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_2) { heroPos = HERO_POSITION_RUN_UPPER_1; } else { ++heroPos; } ++distance; digitalWrite(PIN_AUTOPLAY, terrainLower[HERO_HORIZONTAL_POSITION + 2] == SPRITE_TERRAIN_EMPTY ? HIGH : LOW); } delay(100); }


YOUR DONE!! Have Fun..
