LCD Temperature Display With RGB LED
by ishreetgrewal1 in Circuits > Arduino
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LCD Temperature Display With RGB LED

This project is perfect for someone who is just starting to play around with the LCD display. This project displays the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit and corresponds with the RGB LED depending on what the temperature is.
- 16*2 LCD display (make sure the pins are soldered on)
- L3M5 temperature sensor
- 10 K potentiometer
- Jumper Wires
- 3 220 ohm resistors
- 1 10K ohm resistor
Step 1: Assemble LCD Display

The first step you want to complete before assembling your LCD is connect the breadboard to 5V and GND.
- Connect 1st pin to GND
- Connect 2nd pin to power
- Connect 3rd pin to the middle pin of the potentiometer
- Connect 4th pin to pin 2 on the Arduino
- Connect 5th pin to GND
- Connect 6th pin to A4
- Connect 11th pin to A3
- Connect 12th pin to A2
- Connect 13th pin to A1
- Connect 14th pin to A0
- Connect 15th pin to a 10 K ohm resistor which connects to power
- Connect 16th pin to GND
Step 2: Potentiometer

- Connect the far right pin to Power
- Connect far left pin to GND
- Connect middle pin to pin 3 on the LCD
Step 3: Temperature Sensor

- Place the flat face of the temperature sensor face forward on the breadboard
- Connect far right pin to GND
- Connect far left pin to Power
- Connect middle pin to analog pin A5 on the Arduino
Step 4: RGB LED
Depending on which type of RGB LED you have the connections will differ
- Connect the GND pin to GND
- Connect the 'R' labeled pin to a 220 ohm resistor which connects to PMW pin 9 on the Arduino
- Connect the 'G' labeled pin to a 220 ohm resistor which connects to PMW pin 10 on the Arduino
- Connect the 'B' labeled pin to a 220 ohm resistor which connects to PMW pin 11 on the Arduino
Step 5: the Code

Here is the code:
You can customize the colour of the RGB LED depending on what you would like it to display at a certain temperature.