LCD Interactive Cookie Recipe
by edward_chao in Circuits > Arduino
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LCD Interactive Cookie Recipe

Here, I will teach you how to make a simple interactive recipe for chocolate cookies. This machine helps beginners to make delicious cookies step by step. The machine uses a sensor to switch from step to step, so you can have clearer instruction of what to do at the exact moment, plus, what you need to do to jump to the next step is to put your hand above the sensor. What's special about this project is you use a light sensor to trigger the command. During Covid-19, this project can avoid any other contact with other objects when you are making food, thus preventing the spread of disease in advance. Furthermore, when you don't have a hand to push the button, simply use something to cover the light sensor and you are able to know the next step via LCD. The timing is already set in this project. For beginners, you don't need to worry about how long you will need to mix your material, just follow the command until it the spear beeps. Therefore, you will have very clear instructions on how to make cookies step by step.
Basically, this project will guide you to make a cookie step by step. The instructions will be shown on the LCD screen. In addition, once you are done with the step you are working on, just hover over the sensor and jump into the next step.
The basic method of making a cookie is:
1. melt the butter
2. mix chocolate, flour, sugar
3. shape them to balls and flatten them
4. bake then for around 20mins.
1. Arduino Leonardo x1
2. LCD 16x2 x1
3. Breadboard x1
3. light sensor x1
4. 220 Ω resistor x1
5. Speaker x1
6. USB cable x1
7. Jump wires (multiple)
We can divide the assembly of the machine into three major parts
1. The light sensor:
First, connect GND and 5V to - and + on the breadboard, respectively. Connect a jump wire from the positive row to any place to the breadboard, then to the sensor, A0 on Arduino Leonardo and to the register, and to the negative row at last. Remeber, all the parts should follow the rule: the circuit will work only if you connect on the same vertical row on the breadboard.
2. The speaker
Quite simple, connect the positive end to GND and the negative end to D11.
3. The LCD
connect jumper wires from the positive and negative sides to the positive and negative ends in the LCD. Next, connect SDA and SCL on both Arduino Lenoard and the LCD. You should be able to find the corresponding ends on the back of the LCD.
Congrats, you are done assembly the main parts :)
The Code
Since the code was already attached to this lesson, I will only mention several points to note. 1. Make sure to select the corresponding board (Leonardo) under Tools → Board →Arduino Leonardo 2. When done, make sure to upload by clicking the arrow on the top left. Once you upload, the code should start working and words will appear on the LCD. If it does not work, that means there is a problem in either setting or connection of the parts.
Of course, you can always change the time of the recipe and materials you want to add. For example, you can change "chocolate" to "milk".

This step is optional. What you got to do is put the breadboard and wires inside a cardboard box, and place the LCD and light sensor outside the box. You can stick the speaker on the box. Remember to connect a portable charger with your board before putting it in. Afterward, you will have a neat machine that you can put on the kitchen table.
Be careful not to break the wires of the speaker as they are extremely fragile.

After finishing all the steps below, yours should be able to function like this one. For time concern, the countdown in this sample is 10 and 20sec. Therefore, if you want to really use it in the kitchen as a recipe, be sure to adjust the time to 60sec and 120sec, respectively.
Thanks and enjoy :)