Knotted Bracelets

by awesometatiousful in Craft > Jewelry

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Knotted Bracelets

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A simple friendship bracelet-great for small last minute gifts.


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-embroidery thread (3* strands of 24 inch long in one colour and 3* strands of 24 inch long in a second colour)
-tape and a flat surface OR a clipboard
-a ruler-would be easier to use if it has inches
-beads are optional

*at least 3, but more if you want the bracelet to be thicker. In this Instructable I will use four.)


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Cut your thread and line them up. Tie a knot 1/2 inch from the end. Clip that onto the board, or tape it to a flat surface. Separate the two colours.

Knotting (1)

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Take the first colour (all of them) and make a four over the second on. (in my case, blue is 1 and black is 2)wrap it under to the left then pull it over the four's hole. Make sure it's tight.

Knotting (2)

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Now we do the opposite to the second colour. Make a backwards four over the first colour, then fold it under to the right and pull it out through the hole.


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Proceed in this pattern; add beads by threading them onto a colour group and knot it.

End It

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When the length of the bracelet is a little longer than the circumference of your wrist, take it off the surface and tie the ends together. THEN WEAR IT (or give it) :) Thanks for reading!