
by FriedZombie in Cooking > Cookies

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In the Northern and Eastern provinces in the Netherlands they have an unique way of celebrating the change from the to the new Year.

On the last day of the year, a flat crispy waffle is eaten. This waffle symbolizes that the secrets and mystique of the last year complete unfolded itself.

On the first day of the year, the same waffle is eaten. Although the difference is it is now rolled up tightly. This symbolizes that the new year holds all kinds of mysteries and excitement. To add some sweetness to the unexpected, they fill these rolls up with sweet whipped cream.

An amazing way to start the new year, with some sweet and lovely baked goods.

The name Kniepertjes is derived from the word Kniep (in some Dutch dialects), meaning in English to Pinch, because you have to pich the iron shut.

I made these waffles just barely in the last year @35C3
next to the Food Hacking Base




  • baking spray (or some oil)
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 500 grams of all-purpose (plain) flour (2 cups)
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar (2 cups)
  • 250 grams of butter (2 butter sticks / 1 cup)
  • 5 grams of cinnamon powder (2 tsp)
  • whipped cream for the filling (Aerosol Whipped cream works easiest)


  • ice cream cone waffle maker
  • hand mixer or stand mixer
  • saucepan
  • spoon
  • small bowl (to hold the spoon while not in use)
  • large bowl
  • spatula (a knife would work as well)
  • cannoli tube or other doweling (stainless steel tubing, wooden dowels or the backside of some kitchen utensils work well)

Melting the Sugar


Put the sugar in the saucepan and add water until the sugar is barely submerged.Heat the sugar water mixture on a stove, until the sugar is fully melted.

Add the butter to the saucepan;

Now let the water sugar mixture cool down and the butter fully melt on top if it.

The biggest reason to melt the sugar, is that the the crystalline structure in the end product is different. It makes it more crispy then if you just would add the granulated sugar. Also powdered sugar without melting it, would still yield a less crispy waffle.

Mix the Mostly Dry


Add the flour, cinnamon, eggs and a pinch of salt to the large bowl. Mix until these ingredients are fully incorporated.

You can also add other spices like star anise powder for example.

Add the Wet


Slowly add the somewhat cooled down molten sugar and butter to the dry(ish) ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.

The final dough should more or less resemble the thickness of yogurt. If the mixture is still too thick you can add water and mix it in to compensate for it.

If the dough is left for a while, it will thicken up somewhat. To get it thinner again, simply add some water and mix it in.

Prepping the Work Area


Because of the short and hot bake time of the waffles, it is important to lay out the work space neatly.

Use the small bowl the leave the spoon in while it is not in use, this reduces the mess greatly.

Baking and Rolling


Set the waffle iron to a pretty high temperature and it preheat.

Grease the iron with some baking spray or oil.

Add dough filling more or less 1/3 of the iron and pinch it shut.

Let the waffle bake for about 20 to 50 seconds until it is golden brown.

Quickly remove the waffle with the spatula (or fork) and roll it around the Cannoli tube, dowel (or anything else you use). Please keep in mind to be quick while rolling, the waffles are rather hot.

After the waffle has cooled down slightly, it has set and will keep it's form (that will happen fairly quickly).



Although the waffles are great on their own, it is amazing when they are filled with whipped cream.

To fill the kniepertjes, hold the whipped cream can upside down and make sure to cover the hole of the kniepertje at the bottom. Otherwise it is very likely the cream just shoots trough it.

Enoy a nice Dutch treat!

p.s. also make sure to clean the tip of the aerosol whipped cream can, otherwise it will go bad pretty quickly.