Knex Glock
I gotta be honest, I am not great at creating things with my own mind, but I am good at improving things from someone else
Take this pistol for example. It resembles a glock (the handle is too much slanted). But it is not originally my design.
It was made by nickpckin, why made it from the oodammo pistol version 3 from theDunkis (Great pistol BTW)
Anyway, here is the instruction for this glock-like pistol
Pictures are pretty easy to follow
The Handle
Take a good look at these photo's and you'll be able to make the glock look absolutely great.
The photos should be self explaining
The Reciever + Trigger
Make this, it should be pretty simple
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments
Finishing Up + the Firing Pin
This is the easiest part, take a good look at the photo's and you should be done by now. You can place as many rubberbands on the firing pin as you want, but be careful with the drawback of the pin, that it should not be too hard to pull
Place the rubberbands like shown in the last photo
Alternate Version
While still being the same, this photo is the glock without the firing pin, and the rubberbands go back around to the trigger. making it a non-shooting prop, really good for cosplaying
Anyways, that is it for this knex build, let me know what you all think in the comments and 'till next time everyone