Knex Car - Emerald
I built Emerald in March 2012, getting almost everything to fit in this car sure is a challenge. Front wheel steering, Four doors, Hood with prop rod, Trunk, Rear fold down seats, adjustable front seats, and sun roof. I had metal springs for the suspension at first, later I changed it stiff after seeing the front not working for years.
I guess you can say this is my signature Base for every car, I've done other styles that was lighter, but couldn't fit any seats in the right spots.
Rear Wheels
I made the arch at first for the springs, they were taken out then replaced with the white rods holding the axle in place.
Geared Steering System
This Geared Steering System has problems, it will need to be tuned after this step and every time it's used.
Dash Board, Bumper
The steering wheel is held in by Gravity.
Front Body and Hood
Im trying to reduce pictures by showing multiple shots in different angles.
Rear Seats connects in on the black clips, the front seats are on different rods for both independent adjustment.
Rear Body
Best to show this in one piece.
Trunk, Doors, Roof
The final additions to Emerald, What a Great Compact Car
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I'm showing off all my K'NEX Figures in front of a few cars for the fun of it, The Few knex cars are Emerald, Mustang, and Project Hot Rod.