Killer Bee

by Moem in Cooking > Beverages

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Killer Bee


Killer Bee is booze for the brave! If you like it hot, then this is for you. If not, stay away, because this bee packs a punch!

This is a great way to make boring, bland cheap wodka into a sweet, spicy surprise. It makes a great gift, as well.

If you've never ventured into the fun craft of steeping/infusing liquors, this is a great start because it's easy and the result is bold rather than subtle! Give it a try, you may surprise yourself. It was a first for me, too.



You'll need only three ingredients. Easy, right?

  • The cheapest wodka you can get. Abandon all shame and pretence, and just go with the lowest priced bottle. If you're in Germany, you're in luck: just head to the nearest supermarket and part with 5 euros.
  • Red chilli peppers. One or more, depending on Scoville rating and personal preference.
  • Honey. Liquid is best, as it's easier to mix in.


  • Printer paper (sticky if you can get it) and a printer to make a nice label.

Undress to Impress


Get rid of the cheap nasty labels on your cheap nasty bottle of wodka. Use any means necessary: hot water and soap, turpentine, whatever it takes.

Under the Knife


Put your pepper(s) on a chopping board and make cuts all along one side. Cut only halfway through so the pepper stays in one piece, for easier removal later.

If you get any pepper juice on your fingers, remove with cooking oil first, soap and water next. Whatever you do, don't rub your eyes... and for the love of all that's small and fuzzy, do not make the painful rookie mistake that male novice cooks all seem to make at least once. It's a toilet thing. 'Nuff said.

Unleash the Beast... or the Bees


Open the bottle of wodka. Pour yourself a glass to make room, and to remind yourself how bland and boring the stuff really is... for now. Pop your pepper(s) into the bottle. Screw the cap back on and give it a shake.

The hardest part of this project is what comes next: waiting and letting it steep! It will take at least a week for the capsaicin to dissolve and spice up your wodka. Several weeks won't do any harm either.
The pepper may lose colour, the wodka will probably turn yellow; this is normal. Try a tiny bit now and then so you know it's still doable; if you overshoot the mark and find that the stuff is simply too hot to handle, dilute with straight wodka so that it's possible to drink it in little sips.

Once your wodka is spicy enough for your tastes, but not too spicy to drink, remove the pepper(s).

Sweeten the Deal


Add liquid honey to taste and stir or shake well. Start off with no more than one spoon: it's meant to round off the taste, not to turn your wodka into a liqueur. Taste a sip before adding more.

Then again, if you think you'll like it better with more honey, knock yourself out. As we say in the Netherlands, it's your party. You can always try it out in a small glass and see what works for you, before adding it to the whole batch.

Buzz Included


That's it. That's all. You have now effectively turned that cheap and boring wodka into something spicy, sweet and VERY warming. This bottle is guaranteed to give you a nice buzz (har har). Share it with friends, otherwise what's the point? It's an especially great campfire drink. But be sure to warn people in advance! Friends don't give friends anaphylactic shock and capsaicin intolerance is no laughing matter.

Oh, and of course, as a nice touch (especially if you intend to give it away) a special label is a great idea. Here's the one I used; feel free to print as needed, or adapt, or whatever you like.

Enjoy! And keep in mind: responsible bees don't drink and fly.