Keypad With LCD Using CloudX Microcontroller
by DwealthJossy in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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Keypad With LCD Using CloudX Microcontroller

For this project, we will accept data from a Matrix Keypad and then display it on an LCD

- LCD 16x2
- KEYPAD 4x4
You can get your component here

first step:
LCD connection: we re going to use data 4 - data 7 pin, register select pin, enable pin.
- connect RS pin to pin1 of the Microcontroller
- connect EN pin to pin2 of the Microcontroller
- connect D4 pin to pin3 of the Microcontroller
- connect D5 pin to pin4 of the Microcontroller
- connect D6 pin to pin5 of the Microcontroller
- connect D7 pin to pin6 of the Microcontroller
- connect Vss and led negative pin to GND
- connect Vdd and led positive pin to 5v
- connect the variable resistor middle pin to VE(contrast V). and the other pin to 5v and GND.
Second step:
Keypad connection: we are using pullDown resistor for the keypad column pins.
- The pin1 of the keypad column pin was connected to 10k resistor and to pin11 of the microcontroller.
- The pin2 of the keypad column pin was connected to 10k resistor and to pin12 of the microcontroller.
- The pin3 of the keypad column pin was connected to 10k resistor and to pin13 of the microcontroller.
- The pin4 of the keypad column pin was connected to 10k resistor and to pin14 of the microcontroller.
And the end of the resistor was connected together to GND.
- The pin1 of the keypad Row pin was connected to pin7 of the microcontroller.
- The pin2 of the keypad Row pin was connected to pin8 of the microcontroller.
- The pin3 of the keypad Row pin was connected to pin9 of the microcontroller.
- The pin4 of the keypad Row pin was connected to pin10 of the microcontroller
After achieving it, let go to coding.
if you want to download CloudX IDE click here
Copy this code to your CloudX IDE.
#include <CloudX\M633.h>
#include <CloudX\Lcd.h> #include <CloudX\Keypad.h>
#define NumberOfRows 4 // set the number of ROWS for Keypad #define NumberOfColumns 4 // set the number of COLUMNS for Keypad char KeypadCharacters[NumberOfRows][NumberOfColumns] = { '1','2','3','A', '4','5','6','B', '7','8','9','C', '*','0','#','D' }; //layout of the Keypad’s Keys char RowPins[NumberOfRows] = {7, 8, 9, 10}; // Keypad’s Row Pins to CloudX char ColumnsPins[NumberOfColumns] = {11, 12, 13, 14}; // Keypad’s Column Pins char Keys; //store Keypad output here setup(){ //setup here Lcd_setting(1,2,3,4,5,6); Lcd_cmd(cursorOff); Lcd_cmd(clear);
Keypad_setting (PULLDOWNCOL, RowPins, ColumnsPins, NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns, KeypadCharacters); // initialize Keypad with these data
loop(){ //Program here while(Keys==0) //if no Key is Pressed keep checking for a Key Press Keys=Keypad_getKey();//if a Key is Pressed load Key data into the Keys variable Lcd_writeCP(Keys); // Display the Key Pressed on LCD’s Current Cursor Position Keys=0; //Clear the Content of the Keys variable } }
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