Kennel Enclosure: Wire Closet Shelving & Cable Ties in Minutes, Flexible, Movable, Removable
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Kennel Enclosure: Wire Closet Shelving & Cable Ties in Minutes, Flexible, Movable, Removable

Need a barrier between cats and dogs or other pets?
Something as movable as a fold-up kennel?
This could be an answer. After obtaining several 6 feet lengths of shelving I cable tied them in a zig zag fashion, and lived with the structure for several weeks.
Egged on by my favorite INSTRUCTABLES SITE, I finished it tonight.
My dogs and cats supervised. As in all photos, I think there is more interest with humans or pets attached.
Gather Materials

Helpful tools:
Cable ties
Closet shelving
(read the differences between coatings, some might be safer than others). Since these will be used indoors I thought it was okay to use Closetmaid with the reinforcing hanging rail. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY a great resource, keep any eye out for donated shelving.
Optional bolt cutter
for trimming or making a reach-in area.
Bungee cord
to hold things as you cable tie them together (ie decorative greenery)
Velcro for quick latching
Roofing staples
to secure shelving to wood
for latching, that can be reached from either side.
I had thought about making two doors, one arching in and one arching out (fool strangers), but with this short length it seemed unnecessary.
With two entrances, you could keep the clip on the outside of each. Many times I find I have misplaced the clip, so Velcro is nice in this instance.

Measure, Plan Arrangement, Start on One End.

See photos for reinforcement and latching options.
Hover mouse over squares for further comments.

Thanks for looking, and _thank you for making a nice home for your pets.
Cats can _climb_ fencing like this, however it has not been a problem here, because most are too heavy and it's unstable for serous climbing.
Another reason this has worked (there have been a few minor escapes)... is there are dogs on the other the cats have little reason to escape into the clever, heavy paws of the dogs.
Also, with using Velcro and loose clips, if there were a fire or emergency, with determination they could escape and perhaps survive a disaster.
Also, I can move it, as it is flexible or it could be down in minutes.
I leave slack in the cable ties when I can, so they are not difficult to cut.
As for cleaning,a steamer might be the easiest.
Happy Tails. 8-)
Please look at the many cat and dog ideas on this web site.
I am so honored to have been featured, you made my Year!
Inquiring Minds..

If you have "inquiring minds" as my Mom used to call them....and want to detect if someone invades your could cable tie with a special color and/or mark so that if someone is determined to pass your barrier, you will know they were there.
Full Length Kennel to Ceiling


We have made porch kennels outside with shelving.
One way to reach to the ceiling and make it escape-proof, would be to bend the tops (over a hard surface like wood), arching along the ceiling so for instance, cats could not escape.
May I blame the cat on my lap and an old computer for picture jumbles.
Thank You Everyone, God Bless......PETS PET PEOPLE
Upcoming Instructables, God Willing...
- Outside cat proof tunnel (with INSTRUCTABLE created by security camera)
- More on "exhausted" litter boxing
- SKID LOADER BASICS as I learn them, including purchasing
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