Since our labrador (9 months old) likes to play in our large garden, my daughters wanted to build a kennel for him. So I would have to help :-). He likes to climb on things. So the kennel had to have two levels. Below it is sheltered where he can retreat to rest. He can lie down comfortably at the top and have everything in view.
cordless screwdriver
circular saw
chop saw
Remove Turf
After finding the right place, the turf had to be removed with a spade.
Cut Beams
In the first step I cut the main posts (8x10) to size. 2x 180cm and 2x 160cm.
Screw Beams Together
The main posts were leveled to the ground. At the top I screwed a formwork board on the right and left on both sides, which is also the support for the roof.
Beams for the Ceiling
As an intermediate ceiling, I screwed a square timber 6x8 cm to the right and left of the main posts. Three more 6x8s then in the middle across the struts
Platform for Ascent
The pedestal is 40 x 60 cm and also made of 6 x 4 cm squared timber
For the staircase, I mitered two square timbers 4x6 cm at a 40 degree angle with the miter saw and screwed them to the front of the platform.
The floor is made of planks that are screwed onto the crossbars at a distance of 5 mm.
Side Panel
The side boards are 90 cm long and were screwed on with two screws on the right and left with a 5 mm gap. First pre-drilled and countersunk, then screwed.
The task is 50 cm wide. The floorboards were also screwed onto the squared timber at a distance of 5mm each. On the outside I cut a plank at the right angle and clad the squared timber.
Drinking Bowl
Since it should be the place for our Labrador to rest, the water bowl should not be missing. Since he sometimes makes fun of knocking over the drinking bowl, it had to be attached. I mitered two planks at 90 degrees each and screwed them into the back right corner. Then cut out the size of the drinking bowl with the jigsaw and let the bowl in.
The roof is screwed to formwork boards 1m long in preparation for the beaver shingles. Two Spax each right and left in the boards running underneath
Cover the Roof
I covered the roof with beaver shingles made of roofing felt. These are always offset. Mating is done from the bottom up so that you always put one layer on top of the other. The bottom one was always attached with roofing nails.
In the end, everything was completely painted twice with wood stain in light oak