
by tthornberry in Workshop > 3D Design

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KT-11 DROID RENDER (SoroSuub).png
KT-11 Mining Droid (SoroSuub).png
KT-11 Mining Droid Render(SoroSuub).png
Media (2).jpg

The KT droid is a key part of a fleet of mining droids deployed autonomously into the deepest and most dangerous mines of Kessel, where conditions are too perilous for organic life forms to mine the precious spice. These droids work tirelessly around the clock, extracting the richest and deepest resources of the planet.

Design and Commission

The Pyke Syndicate, a powerful criminal organization controlling the spice trade, commissioned the design and production of these droids from the SoroSuub Corporation. The Pykes ordered the TK units in large quantities due to their cost-effectiveness and expendable nature. These droids are specifically designed to harvest spice in areas too dangerous for organic workers.

Features and Deployment

  • Autonomous Operation: The KT droids are fully autonomous, capable of navigating the treacherous tunnels and caverns of Kessel without human supervision.
  • Durability and Repair: Despite frequent losses and damages, the KT droids are made from cheap components and are easy to manufacture, making them highly dispensable.
  • Efficiency: They operate continuously, ensuring maximum output of the valuable spice. Their presence in the mines can be likened to a swarm of Glymphids, tirelessly working in unison.

Strategic Advantage

By utilizing the KT droids, the Pyke Syndicate maximizes spice yield while minimizing human risk and operational costs. This strategy ensures that they can maintain a steady and lucrative supply of spice from the deepest and most dangerous parts of Kessel, reinforcing their dominance in the spice trade.

KT-11: The Rebel Droid

KT-11 was a unique mining droid that developed an awareness of the Pyke Syndicate's cruelty and exploitation in the spice mines of Kessel. Recognizing the dire situation, KT-11 became a beacon of hope by secretly delivering messages and strategic information to the enslaved workers, significantly aiding the slave rebellion and liberation in BBY-10. Although KT-11 was ultimately destroyed while attempting to escape the deep mines to deliver a crucial message, the droid's efforts and moral clarity made it a pivotal figure in the rebellion, symbolizing hope and resistance for the oppressed slaves of Kessel.

