K'NEX Mini Sniper!

by NYPA in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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K'NEX Mini Sniper!

the sniper.JPG
It finally happened. NYPA finally made a K'NEX gun. This is actually a pretty good one. It fires a estimated 60 feet with two pairs of tied together #33 rubber bands. go ahead and try using #64's but you'll spend forever pulling the pin back. This is my first K'NEX Instructable using my sort of new K'NEX. Now the gun. features are-
# 60 ft range
# true trigger
# bipod
# stock
# ammo holding belt
# bolt cover.

Yes sorry but it does use hinges to those people who don't have them. It also uses blue clips. Don't forget chain links too. Just to make it more frustrating it also utilizes a black carbon rod. Ok! are you ready! Yes! Then click step one!

The Oh-so Handy Dandy Parts List.

special piece..JPG
Your welcome.


Green-3 (what?)
White-2 ( huh?)
Black-1 (Yes, it has to be black)


Dark Gray-0
Light gray-1
White-31 (ow)


Chain links-As many as you want.
Blue clips-5
Hinge pairs (black and blue)-3
Silver spacers-6
Tan clip-1
Tape- 1 five inch strand of duct and one 7 inch strand of scotch.
Gold track splice (picture)-1
Y connectors-2


Red connectors- twice as many as you have chain links ( 2 for every chain link)
Yellow rods-As many as you have chain links.

The Barrel.

trigger chamber 2.JPG
barrel back.JPG
This is the Barrel of the gun.
24 white connectors
4 blue clips
2 gray rods
1 orange connector
2 y connectors.


trigger assembly.JPG
trigger assembly 2.JPG
The trigger assembly.
2 black hinge halfs
2 blue hinge halfs
2 green rods
1 red connector
2 blue rods
1 blue clip
2 white rods
2 silver spacers
1 light gray connector


This is the handle.
2 red rods
4 silver spacers
8 orange connectors
7 white connectors

The Middle Connector.

front and back connector.JPG
This connects all of the parts.
2 yellow connectors
1 blue rod
1 orange connector
2 red rods.

The Stock.

stock 2.JPG
This is the stock.
4 yellow connectors
12 orange connectors
5 blue rods
2 yellow rods

Ammo Chain.

ammo belt.JPG
ammo in.JPG
all in.JPG
Now for this you have to do some math.
Ammo is red connector on yellow rod. like a odammo except with a yellow rod.
now for every chain link you need a red connector, chain link and a round.
Got it?

Carry Handle and Bolt Cover.

cover parts.JPG
attach hinge.JPG
attach lock.JPG
bipod place.JPG
This is the carry handle and bolt cover. by bolt I mean firing pin. It's just fun to call it bolt. it also is a carry place for the bipod.
1 hinge pair
1 green rod
1 orange connector
1 blue rod
2 gray rods for bipod
1 gray rod for holding it together
28 red connectors.

Firing Pin.

pin assembly.JPG
pin ready.JPG
rubber band tied.JPG
This the power of the gun.
1 orange connector
1 black rod
1 tan clip
1 piece of cut in half duct tape.


attach barrel to connector.JPG
attach trigger to connector.JPG
attach handle to connector.JPG
pin back.JPG
bands in place.JPG
pin with bands.JPG
special piece in place.JPG
cliped in all the way.JPG
trigger in chamber.JPG
special rubber band.JPG
the cover.JPG
cover up..JPG
trigger 3.JPG
Time to assemble!


on top of the lock.JPG
in the lock.JPG
pin ready to fire.JPG
ready to fire.JPG
lock position..JPG
to use-
Storing or carrying
lock bolt cover (pic 1-2)

open bolt cover
pull back pin
close bolt cover
load ammo ( by the muzzle.)
pull trigger.