KISS Principle Survival Neck Chain

by antonius in Outside > Survival

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KISS Principle Survival Neck Chain


Ok, Hi everyone, after making the KISS Principle Monocle I looked for a better Lens to use and while looking for a suitable cord or such found my Survival Neck chain and so decided not only to use that but let you all into my neck chain secret.

Whether you get into situations where you work in Disasters / Rescues or such or whether you are preppering for the worst this is for you ! I went to Haiti at the first big earthquake in 2010 to do search and rescue and used my neck chain (cord) as you will see....

So Whats on it then....

The cord or chain.

A Compass

A Monocle

A Light

and finally a USB Stick

Let There Be Light!


Ok in my gear I often have more than 1 Light, even during daylight it is good to have. Next time you go in a supermarket look around, mainly they don´t have any windows, so you could imagine even in daytime if the power goes out it would suck without light.

The one I have here is the Nitecore Mini Flaslight it has a USB power socket, the charge lasts a long time, just top up now and then when not in use. It is IP 65 weather resistant, The power is variable at hi it is 55 Lumens and will last

for about an hour at Low 1 Lumen it will last (58 hours) They are quiet cheap about 11 euros (work out you own currency)

A quick sidenote, If you travel around and you have battery powered gear (eg Flashlights) get only ones with AA or AAA batteries or USB chargeable. If you get a light for example which lights up 5 kilometers away tells jokes and brews coffee while useing an exclusive ******* Battery (insert any type of battery except those mentioned)

even button cells FORGET IT, where ever you go there are always AA & AAA but others you will likely not get.



This is the mark- 2 only change is form and size see: KISS Principle Monocle



This is the Suunto Clipper mini compass, they come as NH and SH. For those who don´t know a NH (north half) compass will not work correctly in the south half of the earth, likewise a SH won´t work in the north.

These are quiet cheap and clip to a board or can be put on a cord like this. cost about 18 euro there are cheaper but Suunto is a good make.

Did you know that compasses have to be corect sort for which end your going to?

(another side note you can get GLOBAL working compasses but mainly the orienteering type not button)

Your Computer on a Chain


I will show you what I have on my USB Stick in a minute but lets look at the type best used.

You make think that a small usb like in the lower model on picture is good (I thought so) The first I had was a small one and I put together all information for our destination in Haiti which after making a report we printed out with a small printer whilst still on the flight!

After the mission was over I noticed it started to corrode, (Always have a backup somewhere!) so I got another small one that was specifficly for rough use.....

Weeell kind of I suppose they were designed for rough use so long you don´t wear them.

Also another problem which poped up was that my computers/Laptops did not like them at all and kept having data problems.

Now I have the San disk Ultra Trek 128GB which is a bit rough weather proofed, we shall see.

Sorry another sidenote: you can get a USB cord which will fit to your Mobile phone and enable you to read the USB stick when you plug it into your phone with out the need for a computer (cool heh)

Whats on the USB Stick


Looking at the main directory you can see a few things lets start with country.

I have inforemation on Areas, Culture, Languages, I have the CIA Fact book complete on the stick and also under country I have lots of countries individually listed I used the olympic numbering system (I think) I have also information of every Airport and Sea port of the world in that I downloaded the complete website.I have cultural information too like gestures and non verbals.

Then I have some survival and medical information. I even have DIY because sometimes you get somewhere and something might not work and maybe you can repair it given the information on it.

On one I have personal Documentation and photos (things like insurance documents are good to have)

I have maps of my area where I live or need to be and I have an Area Study with sat photos, maps etc.

An Area Study is gathering Information about the Area where you live or work with info about Dangers, Risk Analysis, Transit ways etc etc.



This is for me a quick make which I decided to share because there could be some eye opening information for you and in the past nice comments so this is not only Monocle V2 but a nice Survival Chain to think about.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy this. Stay Safe