After a long bit of inactivity, I decided to post something. This is a single shot, shell ejecting shotgun that uses a shotgun shell that is like KILLERK's shell, but is slightly modded. This can have a higher rate of fire than KILLERK's shotgun, which is just a shell stuck onto a TR body, because you don't have to take the time to put in 20 green rods; you just have to stick in a new shell and you're done.
Someone made something like this before, but their's didn't shell eject. All you have to do is stick in a shell, cock the gun, and fire. When you fire the shell ejects automatically. This gun uses a TR style stock and trigger, so you can use any kind of TR stock you want. K.B.S. stands for KnexBuild Shotgun. Please rate, comment, and SUBSCRIBE.
Someone made something like this before, but their's didn't shell eject. All you have to do is stick in a shell, cock the gun, and fire. When you fire the shell ejects automatically. This gun uses a TR style stock and trigger, so you can use any kind of TR stock you want. K.B.S. stands for KnexBuild Shotgun. Please rate, comment, and SUBSCRIBE.
The Shell Ejecting Mechanism.
Here you will build the part that holds the shell until it is ejected.
Image 1: Build this.
Image 2: Here is a closer view of one part.
Image 3: Here is a view at another angle.
Image 4: Here is a view at... ...Oh for Pete's sake, just look at the stinking picture!!!
Image 5: Add two more layers onto the stuff you made.
You're done with this step.
Image 1: Build this.
Image 2: Here is a closer view of one part.
Image 3: Here is a view at another angle.
Image 4: Here is a view at... ...Oh for Pete's sake, just look at the stinking picture!!!
Image 5: Add two more layers onto the stuff you made.
You're done with this step.
The Stock
Here you will build the stock. you don't have to build this exact stock; you can use whatever TR stock you want.
Image 1: Build this. It is the barrel.
Image 2: This is the trigger.
Image 3: Build this.
Image 4: Add the outer panel and the black wheels.
Image 5: Put the handle on the stuff you already made.
Image 6: Make this.
Image 7: There is a y connector that attaches the pin guide to the gun.
Image 8: Add the outer panel. Don't forget to add the dark grey connectors.
Image 9: Add rubber bands to the trigger and the firing pin.
You're done with this step.
Image 1: Build this. It is the barrel.
Image 2: This is the trigger.
Image 3: Build this.
Image 4: Add the outer panel and the black wheels.
Image 5: Put the handle on the stuff you already made.
Image 6: Make this.
Image 7: There is a y connector that attaches the pin guide to the gun.
Image 8: Add the outer panel. Don't forget to add the dark grey connectors.
Image 9: Add rubber bands to the trigger and the firing pin.
You're done with this step.
Putting It All Together.
This is the easiest step. All you have to do is to connect the stock to shell ejecting part.
Image 1: Get the shell ejecting part.
Image 2: Get the stock.
Image 3: Connect them together as shown.
Image 4: You are done with the gun!
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Image 1: Get the shell ejecting part.
Image 2: Get the stock.
Image 3: Connect them together as shown.
Image 4: You are done with the gun!
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Here I will show how to load the gun.
Image 1: This is the shotgun shell. Build as many of them as you want. They can be loaded with 4 yellow rods, 8 white rods, or 16 green rods.
Image 2: Load the shell into the gun.
Image 3: Make sure that the front of the shell is in the slot and is not underneath it.
Image 4: This is how it should look with the shell in the gun.
Image 5: Cock the gun.
All you have to now is pull the trigger, and the gun will fire. The shell will eject out the bottom when you fire the gun.
Image 1: This is the shotgun shell. Build as many of them as you want. They can be loaded with 4 yellow rods, 8 white rods, or 16 green rods.
Image 2: Load the shell into the gun.
Image 3: Make sure that the front of the shell is in the slot and is not underneath it.
Image 4: This is how it should look with the shell in the gun.
Image 5: Cock the gun.
All you have to now is pull the trigger, and the gun will fire. The shell will eject out the bottom when you fire the gun.
You're Done!
You are done building the K.B.S. Have fun shooting it, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE.