KASy (Kitchen Automation System)

by koller1 in Workshop > CNC

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The Kitchen Automation System (KASy) is a modular, programmable and up-gradable, fully automated kitchen assistant for the modern home. It's designed to be the perfect tool to adapt to any situation you would ever need while preparing food for your family, friends and yourself. Imagine waking up to freshly toasted bread and perfectly grilled sunny side up eggs and a cup of coffee sitting on the counter as you stroll into the kitchen. Or on your way home from work you simply open an app on your phone and select a meal for KASy to begin preparing as you commute. The best part, is when you finish your meal, leave your plates in a designated zone on the counter and KASy will automatically wash and put them away. Not only this, she will clean the stove and counters using her wide array of attachments. This technology is certain to become commonplace in our lives in the near future. Not only will it save us all time and money, we will be enabling ourselves to have more balanced and healthy meals on a regular schedule. Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed learning about my design!