Junk Drawer Makey Makey

by Ohsea in Circuits > Electronics

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Junk Drawer Makey Makey


The project is a simple cardboard drawer with random objects found within a person’s junk drawer in their home. I made this as it seemed unique to explore what items can be found in drawers and how these items can normally be used at home or in other places. This project is made for anybody who has time on their hands and is bored looking to make something. People may find this useful as it can help kill time and give a nice project to work on for a few hours.




Coin Screw Brass fastener Computer Makey Makey Cardboard

Box knife



Aluminum foil

Fabric or any other thin material of your choice


Building the Project

  1. First take 2 boxes
  2. With the first box cut off all flaps on the top side
  3. Next measure the inside of the box, measuring the length width and height
  4. Using these measurements cut out 5 rectangles
  5. You should have 2 side walls, 2 walls for the front and back, and 1 for the bottom
  6. Tape these together using duct tape, scotch tape, or any other tape
  7. Make sure the constructed box fits into the open box and slides in and out
  8. Next taking your fabric or thin material cover all sides of the outside box using any tape
  9. Finally cut a hole through the back of both the casing and the sliding inside
  10. Get some extra cardboard and draw out a key to cut out
  11. Once cut out push a brass fastener through the middle where the key ring would normally go
  12. For the screw, charger, and coin grab a charger, screw, and a metallic badge
  13. Now cut a hole through both the drawer and box for the wires to go through

Programming the Code

  1. Start with the creations of all 10 sprites and 6 backgrounds
  2. To start download pngs of a key, quarter, screw, and charger
  3. Next load them as individual sprites into scratch
  4. Starting with a when green flag clicked block follow the order of code blocks for the key, charger, screw, and quarter
  5. Next create the backgrounds by downloading a png of a workshop, arcade, lock, and drawing 2 brown backgrounds with 1 blue background
  6. Type the beginning introduction to the project on the first brown background
  7. Then code as follows Next download images of a phone, drill, and coin slot
  8. Code each as follows
  9. Next take a screenshot of the table on your workshop, the key hole in the lock, and the coin slot in the machine Code each as follows

Attaching Makey Makey

  1. To the corresponding key presses in your code attach the corresponding alligator clip to the makey makey
  2. So for the key when up arrow is pressed it activates so the up arrow must be connected to it
  3. Now connect an alligator clip to the earth connection and hold the other end
  4. Now thread the wires through the back holes and connect them to the makey makey motherboard
  5. Finally connect the motherboard to the computer.

Testing and Troubleshooting

  1. To test the project first try touching every object to see if the corresponding code works
  2. If not check all wire connections and code inputs
  3. If done correctly everything should come up when the corresponding item is touched by the metal

The project works by touching the ground wire and each corresponding wire that is connected to the items inside the box. To start the box is opened and after a short amount of time the home screen opens. From there users can touch each item to see its function and use it as everyday normal items. Do not click any other item while another item's animation plays, and wait until the animation is done until the brass clipping is clicked to go back.