Jumbo Paper Airplane
Hello, and welcome! As you might have noticed, this Instructable's theme is go BIG! I've had some large stock paper that I used for some science fair projects laying around, and decided that I would put them to good use. Unlike my previous Instructables, I will not do any CAD or animation, although I did think of doing some aero dynamics studies, but I decided to just make a fun and simple Instructable that anyone can follow along to. Without further ado, lets get started!!
Folding Lengthwise
Firstly, to create your jumbo paper airplane, clear a large flat surface, in my case I used my floor. After clearing your surface, get your ruler and paper. With the ruler in hand, use it to crease the paper and then fold it lengthwise like shown above. Make sure that the crease is running on through the middle of the shortest edge.
Folding Front Corners
After creating the centerline fold, we can start to fold the front-end of the plane. Take the corners of the front of the plane, and fold them inwards towards the center, making sure at the fold is parallel to the centerline. Additionally, make sure that your are folding the corners with the centerfold facing upwards.
Folding Wing Underside
After creating the front point, we can start to create the wings. In order to create the underside of the wing, fold the paper in half like before with the front corners tucked inside. The, pull the edge at the front of the plane and fold it onto the bottom edge. Do this for both sides, and be carful once you start doing the second wing as you might fold the other side accidentally.
Finishing the Wings
Finally, we have to finish the wings. In order to complete the wings, fold the wing's top edge to the bottom edge. Do this procedure for both wings, again being mindful when doing your second wing as you can create unwanted folds.
Video Version
Check out this vid with some flying and instructions. Thanks for tuning in and have fun!
Happy Flying!
P.s. - If you are wondering about xMod, I got a lot of stuff coming up in the near future, so stay tuned!