Jumbo - Face Mask for COVID-19

COVID-19 times demands - Wear a MASK, Stay Safe. Face Mask is a way to be safe. Safety for self and Safety for others.

1. 4 feet X 4 feet cloth (Any cloth of your choice)
2. Ruler/Scale for measurement
3. A pair of scissors
4. Needle
5. Thread
6. Office clips (optional)
Cut Strips

1. Cut 4 strips of 4 feet length each
2. Using Needle & Thread, stitch into 2 strips
Fold Cloth & Stitch

1. Fold the cloth into 4 - 5 folds as shown
2. Stitch along the sides using needle and thread
Stitch the Strips

1. Attach the Strips from one end to the other as shown
2. Stitch at the corners
Jumbo - 4 Feet by 2 Feet Mask Is Ready

Jumbo 4 feet X 2 feet mask is ready.
Remember to wear a Face Mask before you step out. Its COVID-19 time.