Johnton-wave - Pyramidal Speaker for Ceiling
by JohnSmith-Workshop in Circuits > Audio
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Johnton-wave - Pyramidal Speaker for Ceiling

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. As Albert Einstein used to say. Inspired by him and the proposal from my dear friend Kosta; who is a wonderful artist and maker, I wanted to make a speaker which, by its shape would amaze the people around it, not only with its sound quality, but with its looks and shape as well.
Tools & Materials
- Soldering Iron
- Screw driver
- Heat tubing
- Hot-glue gun
- Solder
- 3D printer
- MP3 Player module
- Step-up converter
- Speakers (3w-40mm)
- Li-po batteries
- Li-po charger
- SD card
- Switch
- Pushbutton- extended push - 4pcs
- Little bit of wires
Necessity Is Mother of Invention

Thanks to guys from Infinity print and their high-quality work, the idea very quickly become a reality which exceeded all my expectations. The printing filament was chosen to be white, so it could blend perfectly with the interior of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade.
The Speaker was part of interactive exebition which was meant for people with all degrees of impaired vision.
The main idea was to bring closer tactile sensation from olive tree texture with sound of summer sea breeze and crickets; so that the audience could fully experience Greek idyll.
Complete 3D model of the speaker can be found at the following link:
Combination of All..

With all of the components gathered together, it was time to test the whole system and its working behaviour.
For the purpose of lasting as much as possible, during the exebition, the set of 3 parallel batteries, of 2000mah each, was made.
The first test was with the audio amplifier, who came with the speakers; but unfortunately it drew a lot more current from step-up converter, than the MP3 player. So I decided to exclude him from the build.
During the testing, before putting all the components into the body, the maximum current draw didn't exceed 400mA, thus providing enough power for almost 15h of use and clear, distortion-less sound.
But, after some period the batteries eventually end up being drained and the standard Li-po charger module was added to support them and make them full again. It was implemented independently from the rest of the circuit .
The step-up converter was carefully set to give constant 5V DC output from the batteries to the MP3 player, so that module behaves at its best.
To achieve more sense of the control over the played melodies, a set of external pushbuttons with the extended rod was added to the enclosure , thus replacing the existing SMD ones.
To make better contact with the top of the enclosure & without any air gaps, double-sided tape with the combination of philips screws was used.
Little Finesse..

For the final touch, little screw hook was added to the top, making the supporting connection between the ceilling and the speaker.
That would be the steps for making a better environment for people with vision disability. Thanks for reading this instructable and always strive to inspire those around you.