Jet Car
Build your own car jet!
All we need is: 2 pairs of matching bottle cap, toilet paper roll, skewer, drinking straw, balloon, Scissors
and cellotape
Cut the skewer and the drinking straw
Insert the balloon nozzle into the drinking straw and Paste the balloon with scotch tape to the straw tightly
Glue the two parts of the skewer with hot glue to one of the bottle cap from each pair
Punch the toilet paper roll with holes on both sides
Insert the skewers through the holes in the toilet paper roll
Glue the other side of the skewers with hot glue to the remain bottle caps
Glue the drinking straw into the toilet paper with hot glue
That's it!
Now you have the best jet car!
In order to drive the car, inflate the balloon, release it, and - the car is in the race!