Jello Roll Ups - Jello Pinwheels

by Penolopy Bulnick in Cooking > Dessert

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Jello Roll Ups - Jello Pinwheels


Jello roll ups were a staple to all my family gatherings when I was young. As my cousins and I have gotten older, we just don't have them any more. I decided to make them again for old times sake and because I missed having them. They are really easy to make and you can do your favorite flavors or just do certain colors for certain holidays, such as red and green for Christmas! I've always called them jello roll ups, but I've also heard them called jello pinwheels as well.

Instructable 399




  1. 1/2c Water
  2. 3oz Jello
  3. 1 1/2 - 2 Cups Marshmallows (fresh is highly recommended), the more you use, the thicker the marshmallow layer will be.


  1. Microwave Safe Bowl - needs to be big because of the marshmallows and how much they'll puff up when heated up, I'm using a 4 cup glass measuring cup
  2. Mixing Spoon
  3. Measuring Cups
  4. 8 x 8 or glass dish - needs to be able to get hot and cold, I have one with a cover which is handy
  5. Non stick spray

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The first part is easy. Just dissolve jello into 1/2c of boiling water. Mix well.

Melt in Marshmallows and Cool


Add your marshmallows to the jello mix and microwave. It is important not to over melt! If you do, the marshmallows will dissolve into the jello and you won't have the nice layering. I'd start with 1 minute in the microwave. Then stir and decide if you want more. I feel under melting is better than over doing it. You'll have some marshmallow chunks but it's better than having no layering.

*If you are using older marshmallows. They won't melt as well and I recommend under melting them rather than over doing it.

Pour into your greased dish and put in the fridge to cool. You want to give it an hour or two. Make sure to cover them or else they get really tacky and it can be harder to roll them later as it really sticks to itself.

Cut and Roll


Time to cut and role!

Most people like to roll up the whole thing like a cinnamon roll and cut the rolls. This can work well, but I prefer to take it out and use a pizza cutter to cut strips and roll them up. Though both ways work fine.

The pizza cutter method shown with yellow jello and the cinnamon roll method shown with red jello.



Keep them in the fridge until you need them and keep them covered!

As you can see from the results, the yellow, orange, and blue were made with fresh marshmallows and have nice distinct layering. The red and green ones were made with old marshmallows that you could tell were getting firmer. I had trouble melting them and with the red they were under melted but provide some layering and with green they were over melted and lost all layering.