James Devlin Gym

This is my gym, it has one floor and things to control the noise. It also has natural light, and is very handicapped accessible.

This is the pool on the first floor it has benches so you can rest and water and plants to make it ecofriendly.

You can run on these very nice treadmills you can walk you can basically go any pace where you’re moving your legs.

You can get very strong big muscles like your biceps with these great weights and you can put such a verity of pounds on them.

These amazing bikes don’t take you anywhere you stay in place while you ride them and you can make it harder to peddle and easier to peddle and they come in two different sizes for shorter and taller people.
Pull Up Bar

Its hard to tell in this photo but this is a pull up bar you can adjust the sizes based on your height they come with grips so you don’t hurt your hands.

These great machines help you work out your arms and legs at your own pace.
Thank you for looking at my gym.