James Develin Designing a Gym

by Andrew_Sawyer in Craft > Digital Graphics

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James Develin Designing a Gym

Screenshot 2020-12-25 at 2.39.11 PM.png
Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 12.19.34 PM.png

Hello, I decided to participate in the competition of designing a gym for James Develin. I hope that it makes it far in the competition because I have spent at least 30 hours working. I hope you enjoy my design and it can help you brainstorm ideas for the gym. Just giving a heads up, I have tried multiple times to go through the design and take screenshots but because it has over 2,000 different shapes, tinkercad has become extremely glitchy and has been crashing constantly. To fix this problem, I will be using paper to show where different rooms are located. I will also show the screenshots of parts of the building because I used several different pages/designs and put them all together in one big design. Let's start with the exterior though. The exterior is a basic shape except for the entrance and the exit. The entrance and exit are separated to be more flexible to covid and creating a one way. I thought the glass was especially important because vitamin D is important for being healthy. The first picture is the front of the building and the second picture is the back of it.




The Rock Wall

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Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 11.54.42 AM.png

I wanted the rock wall to be in the center of the building. I wanted to make it look cool to attract people. One of the ways I did this was by creating a basement level. The climbing wall would extend in length by an entire floor. The staircases descend to the level of the climbing wall. There is also a banister to prevent people from falling into the lower level and getting injured. The climbing walls would be equipped with auto belays as well as having some routes covered by methods such as lead climbing. I also wanted to have a speed climbing wall for the pros, but non-pros would be able to use it as well. The area under the stairs would also serve the purpose of being a bouldering room. All of this was built on the idea to be used by pro-rock climbers or just mere beginners trying the sport out. Rock climbing equipment such as shoes and harnesses would be provided. In terms of covid, it isn't necessarily super safe because multiple people are touching the same spots; However, to allow the rock wall to be safe, I would want to provide the climbers with special chalk. This special chalk has been designed by Frictionlabs and has the purpose of sanitizing. I believe that requiring climbers to use this chalk would reduce covid a lot. Wearing a mask will also help and be mandatory. I would also have signs saying to not touch your face. The first picture shows an arch in the middle and a banister. The second picture shows the front entrance, a little bit of the stairs, and the bouldering room.

Turning Left

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If you turn left from the entrance, you will find the locker rooms, pool, hot tub, and sauna. The locker rooms provided are male, female, and a family changing room. In the locker rooms, lockers are provided along with showers, toilets, sinks, and mirrors. Each of the changing rooms leads to the pool area. The pool area has six Olympic-sized lanes with blocks to dive off of, along with a large and two small diving boards. Swimming is a beneficial way for therapy because you are approximately 1/6 of your weight. The diving boards would be used mostly by the pro divers but I'm sure anyone would be allowed to use them. The sauna was made for an area for relaxing as well as the hot tub. Warm water tends to relax muscles which is very beneficial after a workout. In terms of Covid, I would try to keep the families in the same lane. I would try to ensure that people are at least six feet apart because you can't wear a mask while you swim. If you are having trouble with picturing how this all fits together, please direct your attention to the beginning where I provided a hand-drawn picture of the floor plan of the building. The first picture is the male and female changing rooms. The second picture is the family changing room. The third picture is the pool, hot tub, and sauna.

Turning Right

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Turning right, you'll find the staircase and elevator to the second floor, basketball courts, volleyball courts, kids play area, a healthy dining area, a bathroom, offices, a break room, and a laundry room. The basketball and volleyball courts need little explanation for their purpose. They can only be covid friendly if people only played with a group of people they know. So the gym can recommend that people keep their groups limited but can't force it. The kids' play area serves the purpose of babysitting your child while you workout. Not all parents can get to the gym and this can help them do this. The only way this can be covid friendly is if the children wear masks (and the adults), wash their hands, and use hand sanitizer. The kids will be limited to a certain amount due to Covid regulations so parents will have to be flexible if their kid can't attend. The healthy dining area is what it sounds like. It is an area that provides foods low in sugar and trans fats (the worst kind of fat). It will have protein because eating protein about 45 minutes after a workout helps with muscle repair. Overall it will help to serve people healthy foods. The offices are places for mostly recruitment. The gym needs to continue to recruit people for more income and can serve as an office for other office jobs in a gym. The last area is a laundry room/break room. The break room is a place for the staff to eat lunch and relax on their break. The laundry room serves the purpose of washing the sweaty towels to be folded and reused. The first picture is the healthy dining area, the second picture is the volleyball courts, the third picture is the kids' play area, the fourth picture is the offices, the fifth picture is the basketball courts, and the sixth picture is the break room and laundry room.


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To get up to the second floor, you would either use the elevator or the stairs. There are various sets of workout equipment here. Of the workout equipment I made, there are treadmills, stair climbers, ellipticals, stationary bikes, dumbbells, and a barbell rack. I specifically wanted to talk about the barbell rack with storage for a hex bar. I wanted to add mirrors in front of the rack but wasn't able to due to tinkercad lagging. Mirrors would help to serve as a way for someone to watch their form. If you can watch yourself as you go through the movement, you can correct some minor things and reduce the chance of injury. I didn't put more workout equipment in but some of the things I would suggest you add to your gym are TRX, battle ropes, workout sleds, and rowers. I'm suggesting this for variety and more can be added to that list. The rock wall comes through the center of the building (the rock walls acting as support for the center) and protects people from falling several stories with a layer of glass, but still able to watch the climbers. The track goes around the exterior walls of the rock wall. Facing the front of the building, the left corner has a Physical Therapy/trainer room. This room serves the purpose of diagnosing injuries and helping recovery. It has an ice chest to ice swelling parts of the body and tape to reduce the stress of a joint. Those are only a few of the many purposes it would serve. Next to it is a yoga studio. In terms of covid, hand sanitizer will be throughout the entire building. There will also be wipes on the second floor to wipe down the equipment you use during a workout session. Staying six feet apart and wearing a mask can also be enforced. The first picture is the inside of the building before tinkercad crashed. The second picture is the yoga studio and the physical therapy room. The third picture is the barbell rack with the hex-bar. The fourth picture is the dumbbell rack. The fifth picture is a variety of different workout equipment.


I would like to thank you for looking at my design and judging it. Like I said earlier, I put a lot of time into this and hope that there will be a good outcome as well. As said in the prompt, "James is reimagining and designing a flexible gym space that promotes health and wellness for athletes, like him, who are recovering from serious injuries." I have recovered from a running injury with my knee. Although I continued running throughout my cross country season, it could be agonizing. 3/4 of the season, I had tape on my knee to extend the length of time I could run without pain. I believe that two things helped me persevere. My dad is a physical therapist and taping my knee before every practice and meet (thanks dad) and my teammates pushing me through as well as my coaches. The gym has a physical therapist area for that very reason because I thought a lot of my injury throughout this process. The workout equipment is next to each other and can be placed six feet apart as a way to be positive and/or give a sense of competitiveness to others to push through a workout. The last reason I put so many things into this design was for cross-training. Cross-training reduces injury of repetitive strain. If someone just tries out rock climbing instead of running five miles every day like they normally would do, they can reduce the risk of injury by not straining the same muscles. Thank you for taking the time to look at my project.