Iphone 13 JUMBO

For Father's Day weekend I decided to make a Jumbo Sized iphone that's almost 30 inches tall! It was so random but also super cool to create! It was a fun and simple project that almost anyone can do. I hope you enjoy my Instructable!

For this project I used mostly items that I already had lying around and a few special items, here is the list below:
- Poster paper x 1
- Styrofoam project board x 3
- Roll of clear adhesive backed liner x 1
- Kraft board x 1
- Card stock x 1
- Xacto knife
- Scissors
- measuring tape
- ruler
- glue gun
- pencil
- markers
- Acrylic paint
- Paint brushes
- blue painters tape
Making the Front and Back of Phone

I started off this project by measuring a 28" x 14" rectangle on my foam project board, which is 5x the size of a standard iphone 13. I cut off the excess piece and cut rounded corners on each corner. I did this step 2 times on 2 separate foam boards to make a front and back piece for the phone.
Making the Sides of Phone

Using my 2 excess pieces cut from my main boards I measured them to 1.5" strips that ran the length of the side of the body pieces. and attached them using my tape on each side of my back piece.
Creating the Screen

At this point I used my remining 28" x 14" cut board that will become the front of the phone and I drew the shape of the screen opening onto it with my pencil. After drawing out the area where the screen would be, I used my Xacto knife to cut this area out, leaving only the frame of the screen area.
From there I laid the frame over my white poster board and traced out the screen area inside of the frame onto the poster board, then I cut the shape out using my scissors. once the poster board was the correct size for the screen I begin to draw a 4x5 grid of 2" squares that would become app icons.
I drew each app icon by hand referencing an actual iphone screen, I even included a special app icon, leave a comment if you notice it :)
I colored every icon as close as possible to its actual look and even made an abstract background, (I encourage you to be creative on this step)
Building the Phone

Now it's time to assemble the phone. I started by adding my clear plastic adhesive over the screen artwork and cutting to size. I then taped the poster board with the screen artwork to the frame to save for later.
I relized theat the front of the phone would probably sink in without support inside, so I took some of my scrap foam board and cut strips to build support structures inside the body of the phone.
From there I used another piece of scrap foam to cut out a square that would become the camera notch, I didn't measure it and just decided to eyeball the size, I cut it out and glued it to the back of phone piece of foam board in the correct area.
I needed to create the rounded corners of the phone and it was too difficult to bend the foam board so I used a piece of kraft board and cut 4 strips which I curved and taped to each 4 corners to give it the rounded edges.
I used my scrap foam board to cut out the shapes of the buttons and hot glued those onto the sides in the correct position. I also cut out a shape on the bottom of the phone where the USB c charging port would be located.
once everything was in place, I hot glued the front of the phone onto the body of the phone, thus completing the build of the main body. I added my painters tape around all the edges to strengthen the build and give it a soother surface to paint on.

Now it was time to get my hands dirty!!
Using my acrylic paint I painted a base coat on the back side of the phone. I decided to go with the green version of the iphone 13. I let the wife and kids join me at this point painting the second coat of paint and giving it a great green finish. Once the back was done I painted the sides a lighter tone of green and then the front side black, making sure to cover all the areas where I had my tape were covered. I painted the inside o the screen frame as well to make sure it had a more finished look, now I just had to let the paint dry!
Finishing Touches

I was in the home stretch of the build, I only had a few more details to add at this point, the cameras, logo, speakers and antenna strips.
To create the camera I decided to use a cardboard tube I had laying around to trace out 2 circle onto some extra foam board I had. I cut them out and hot glued them on top of the camera notch, then I used paint and marker to add some detail artwork on the cameras lenses. I used a piece of card stock to draw and cutout the apple logo then I traced onto the center of the back of phone. I used black paint to paint the logo on. I then used a black marker to draw the speaker holes onto the bottom of the phone and I painted on the antenna strips on each side.
At this point I was tired, messy, and ready to wrap it up!
The Finished Product

After a lot of hard work, sweat and paint splatter, I finally finished up the phone and it looked great. Like I stated before the JUMBO iphone mesures almost 30" tall so its massive in comparison to an actual iphone 13. The phone feels like it should actually be functional. In the future I hope to make an actual functioning phone of this size, by I will save that for a future Instructable. It was a really fun project and its really easy to execute for all ages (of course with adult supervision for the little creatives!)

After a long day of building we decided to have some fun with our larger than life iphone, here are some pics of my lovely children and I having some play time with the phone.
I hope you enjoyed following along and I hope you are inspired to create your own project!
Thanks for checking it out!