IoT Plant Pot

This Instructable will show you how to make a IoT Plant Pot.
Using the Blynk you can monitor the Temperature, Humidity and the Moisture of the soil everywhere. You will also get a notification if the plant needs water.
- NodeMCU V2 WIFI Board
- RobotDyn Moisture Sensor
- AM2320
- 2-10k Resistor x2
- Perfboard
- 3pin Ribbon Cable
- 3pin Male Header
- 3pin Female
- Hot Glue
Print the Parts

First you can either download the attached STL files or download them from Tinkercad here.
You need to print the pot upright with support but make sure there isn't any support placed in the hole for the ribbon cable.
Once the pot has been printed you need to remove all the support matterial and clean of the rough edges.
Add the Soil Moisture Sensor

The model of the pot is based on the RobotDyn Soil Moisture Sensor if you have a different sensor you may need to edit the model so it fits your sensor.
First solder one end of the ribbon cable to the sensor. Next route the cable through the hole until it comes out of the bottom. Solder a 3 pin male header on the other side of the ribbon cable.
Use some hot glue to mount the moisture sensor to the hole and glue the coverplate on. Make sure you also add some glue on the edge of the coverplate so no water can get through.
Solder the Circuit Board

Solder the circuit as shown in the image above.
You can use any pullup resistor between 2-10k, I used 2.2k.
Make sure the circuit board is smal enough to fit the sensor header and usb cable in the pot.
Setup Blynk

Step 1: Download the Blynk app and press the New Project button.
Step 2: Give the project a name and set the device to NodeMCU.
Step 3: You need 1900 Energy so buy 1000 extra Energy.
Step 4: Add the SuperChart, 3x Value Display and Notification to your project.
Step 5: In the SuperChart add a datastream named Temperature and copy the settings from the image. Do the same but for the Humidity and Moisture.
Step 6: Change the SuperChart settings as seen in the image.
Step 7: Change the Value Display settings as seen as in the images.
Step 8: Press on the Nut symbol and copy the AUTH TOKEN you will need this for the next step.
Upload the Code

Plug your NodeMCU into your pc and install the ESP8266 Board Package a great instruction can be found here.
After following the instruction open the attached arduino code and change the Auth Token to the one you got from Step 4. You also need to change the ssid and password to the ones of your router (You must use a 2.4GHz wireless network).
You can change the value at which you will be notified by changing the TriggerVal. 400 worked fine for me but this may be different for you.
Finally you can upload the arduino code to the NodeMCU.
Mount the Circuit Board

Use hot glue to glue the circuit board to the bottom panel. Make sure the USB on the NodeMCU isn't all the way on the edge so you have enough room to route the USB cable.
Assemble the Pot

First connect the sensor header and USB cable to the NodeMCU and route the USB cable through the cable slot on the pot. Use some hot glue or super glue to fix the bottom panel to the pot.
Plant Your Plant + Final

Finaly you can plant your plant. First add some dirt on the bottom and place your plant in the middle.
Next add some more dirt on the edges and make sure the moisture sensor is fully covered in dirt.
Water your plant and you are done!!!!