Bluetooth Transducer
This is a Nifty little speaker that can really pack a punch.
It will even play you music into any surface!
Desk, box, table, window or even directly into your head! (To be used with caution)
To build this device we will remove the speaker from a cheap Bluetooth speaker and replacing it with an equivalent Transducer. The transducer works by transferring the electromagnetic pulses from the driver into a solid surface. This will then cause the surface to vibrate and play the song!
Prepare Your Tool and Materials
To build this you will need both a Bluetooth speaker and a transducer. Most cheap Bluetooth speakers that I have disassembled have a 4ohm, 3 Watt speaker. The transducer I have linked is a 4-Ohm 5 watt speaker. It is ok to have a bigger wattage on the speaker if they are both 4-Ohm speakers.
Some tools you will need are a multi-driver or some precision screwdrivers, soldering iron and solder, hot glue and a hobby knife.
Dissasemble Device
Begin by locating the retaining screws. They will usually be located under a label or those little foam feet. Be sure to check for any hidden screws if your device does not open. To remove the screen gently pry the top off with a small screwdriver. Work your way around the outside to pry it open. If the screen does not come off then it may be secured on the inside of the enclosure and you may have to wait.
After you remove the bottom case, inspect the circuit board. You need to locate the battery, speaker and any fragile pieces. Secure any loose pieces with a small amount of hot glue. (I made a mistake and damaged the antenna. So be careful and secure loose pieces with hot glue)
Unsolder the speaker connection and mark the positive and negative tabs if they are not noted on the Printed Circuit Board. Remove the speaker. It may be held in with glue or screws depending on the device. Remember that you do not need it in one piece if your feeling lazy :P
Modify Device to Hold Transducer
This step will be unique for each device. In my case the speaker enclosure was larger then the speaker. I build up the inside with scrap material until the transducer was nearly flush with the backside of the screen. I was lucky enough that I could make a small hole and the transducer fit through and the pad covered the hole.
You may need to build up, or make extra space, for the transducer depending on your device. Just be sure to route the wires and check your clearances before gluing it in.
If you are lucky you may find space to mount a bigger battery! But do not mount a second one in parallel or you may risk damaging or igniting your device. Would look really cool for a while but it might not work so well.
Reassemble and Test!
Now after a quick test you are ready to reassemble yourdevice!
Be sure to secure the loose wires with a good dab of hot glue
Insert and tighten the screws in reverse order then and re-apply any foam pads.
Hope you enjoyed the read and feel Inspired to build your own!
All the Best!